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My mind played tricks on me since I thought everything the night before about Wells and Bellamy was a dream after I woke up. The mild sun pleasantly hit my face and burst my eyes open. I was unaccompanied in the same tree while distant people ambled around the camp as hunger pressed through my growling stomach. I treaded my way to the dropship and prowled for the rations I ate last night accompanied by Wells but it vanished. The hell did they do to the food?

"Hey where's the food? It was here last night." I inquired one of the dozen people in the first floor of the dropship as I kneeled beside the foodless box. They shrugged before I heard giggling approaching from atop the second floor. The metal trapdoor disclosed and chuckles developed clearer as two people were ascending down the ladder. It was a girl dressed with a sports bra alongside a shirtless guy before I realized it was Bellamy.

My god he looks so hot. His hair wasn't sleek back anymore, instead it was replaced by messy curls. He was giving a crooked grin as he was flexing his muscles. He pressed his lips on the girl with a hard prolonged kiss, attentively knowing I was secretly checking him out. I coughed bluntly as I motioned up fully to indicate I was waiting to talk to him. He discontinued kissing her, grinning cockily even more as he marked I hastily glanced once more at his abs then celerity back on his face.

"Hey, do you know where the food is? It was here last night but--."

"--I switched its location." He interjected. I gave a resentment look towards his cocky face which he seemed to grasp, "you got a problem with that?"

I dissented to prevent from having another argument. I had a brief deep breath before I answered. "No. That's not a problem at all." I bitterly retorted with a hint of sarcasm. I instantly eyed myself weapons in the background behind Bellamy and the girl. It held small and medium knifes beside 2 bow and arrows. "I'll just go hunting myself." I murmured as I treaded and approximately almost shoved his exposing shoulder. I gripped the bow and arrows and hooked them correctly onto my shoulder.

"Sure you know how to use those?" Bellamy called out as I headed towards the drop ship exit. I paused my tracks and irately spun around. I gave a bitter grin and spat firmly. "Yes."

I turned my back on him towards and breathed the fresh air as I ambled out while holding the bow. I got shot some glares as I meandered out the boundaries from the drop ship towards deeper into the forest. Guess not a lot of people were accustomed to perceiving a person who can take a usage in a bow & arrow. I, however, was always fascinated by one. I begged my father to grant me one before he died which filled my insides with elated joy. My mother preferred not me practicing because it reminded her of him. But every day after school, I would still consistently practice my bow and arrow skills in a secret room and relish every minute of it. The only that kept me sane in the SkyBox for practically a year was using it.

So to answer your question, Bellamy. Yes, I do know how to use a bow and arrow, in fact, I am damn well pretty good at it as it's my specialty.

Since my stomach commenced its path to hunger, I'd assume the other 99 were too. For approximately 30 minutes, I shot two birds and one squirrel and additionally hand-picked a few dozen berries which I believed were not poisonous. This should be enough before we run into privation. I set them all in a bag and commenced on heading back towards camp when I heard another flap.

I swiftly inspected the top trees and marked another bird sitting calm on a branch. Worth a try. I concentrated without blinking as I successfully released the arrow smoothly. It shot the bird straight in the head as it flatten on the ground. I chortled as I claimed my reward. Another great catch.

"Nice shot."

I spun around. It was Wells.

"Thanks." I proceeded as I inserted the lifeless bird in my bag. I then switched my gaze upon him. He had a bruise on his cheek. Overnight I'd forgot how he was almost a foot taller than me—just like Bellamy. But he was the one who did this to him...

Bellamy Blake x Selena Gomez {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now