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"Sel? Selena? Are you okay?" I faintly heard Bellamy's urgent voice panicking as I felt his hands shrug my shoulders awake.

"I just need to rest..." I mumbled off.

"When was the last time you ate something, or drank?" I heard distantly.

I tried to respond to him since last night but couldn't bear to move any frail muscles. It wasn't protracted before I sensed light weight as his arms were wrapped around my body. It took me lengthy time to perceive that Bellamy was carrying me while marching somewhere. My eyelids were too unsteady for me to even expose my surroundings.

Was he going to take me back to the group? To tell them I was too weak to continue? I really didn't want to return; I just needed a meager break.

After lean short minutes, I felt him mellowly set me down onto a fresh soft surface. It wasn't lasting until the rushing of water came gushing into my ears. Are we by a river or something?

"Selena, you awake? Here, drink this." Bellamy instructed by I again didn't experience like advancing at all. I just kept my body stiff as I tried to mumble him out of it. I then felt his fondle once more behind my head leaning towards my back while trying for me to sit up. I scarcely peeked a glance of my surroundings. We were by a river with the fresh air breathing into my lungs. Bellamy had conveyed and laid me on a rock in which he mostly impeded the entire substantial view as he was right in front of my face.

With his hand now on my waist as a precaution in case I inadvertently slip back down; he had a water bottle contiguous my lips. With slight inclination against my will, I slightly opened my lips but the fresh exhilarating water came rushing down my throat that left a trail of outpouring burst of energy abaft. I only took a few gulps before I indicated I had enough as Bellamy again lightly set me back down on the rock. Laying down on something cool while having the bake sun beaming down on you had an animated feeling of joy rush throughout my body with birds crooning in the background.

It wasn't a persistent moment before Bellamy respited the silence. "This is your second time you've almost fainted. You're lucky I was with you or else you would've been a bear's lunch."

Another longing silence. I craved to respond just that I felt too carefree, I stay put. This indicated Bellamy my particulate unconscious state as I heard him shift closer and slightly feeling his affectionate arm touch perceiving that he was on the rock beside me. He whispered in the same earnest voice he did when he was aiding me with my wounds.

"You asked me about why I didn't take off your wristband." There was a pause before Bellamy continued again. "I just didn't want it to be against your will. For the first time ever, I care what someone thinks of me. Not like of a repute, more like a relationship." He took an abbreviated exhalation before he confided. "I didn't want you to hate me."

I abruptly shot up and compelled my eyes open. "Well, that's one way to say it." I appealed before I even had time for my eyes to adjust to the glisten blinding light from the beaming sun. I stared down at Bellamy, grinning. He was adjoining, lying next to me, now stood up.

He delivered a slight chuckle. "God, damn, princess. I actually thought you were asleep. But good to my relief; now I don't have to carry you all the way back to camp."

I weakly smiled at him.

"How're you feeling?" He asked as he pressed his back hand on my forehead to analyze if I had a fever. He gradually brushed his fingers down onto my cheek and brushed away the few strings of hair blocking my face and tucked them behind my ear.

"Fine. Way energized..." I trailed off as I remarked how Bellamy didn't break off his stare. I too gazed into his brown eyes while he was slightly played with my hair then shifting his fondle on my chin.

Bellamy Blake x Selena Gomez {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now