should i make this a seprete book-

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(SWEAR WARNING, and maybe some spoilers ahead idk e)

-3d POV-

Pretty_noon woke up to the vibration of her phone

She picked it up looking at her text massages

It was from dolly_noon

> hay i think the days found me out

She stared at the text sorta nervous
Dolly_noon had been at this strange dimension though an portal that cold_noon created, the imp herself did not even know why she created it in the first place, pretty knew that little miss dolls eyes could take care of herself, but she just couldn't shake off the feeling of worry for her, even if the doll could take care of herself, she cares about her fellow counsole member

Somehow the two can still stay connected

Pretty replied back to the text

> do they see you as a threat?

Dolly responded with

> not sure, im trying to find a way out of this weird dystopian of a dimension, im ready as ever to leave cuz of the "night coalition" that are the day union's enemies, and fr they are just annoying af

Pretty replied with

>smh bruv find a way out of there, if they try to stop ya, kick their asses lmao

Dolly typed

>i did hear something about dimension portals maybe if i find it then i could get back to yall

Maybe cold can come get me or something but its worth a shot

Pretty replies

>anything to get ya out of there also make sure to gather info about that place so we could see what we could do

Dolly please stay safe and also good luck

Dolly responds

>understood see ya bai

Pretty put her phone down, took a quick shower, dressed up, puting her hair in pigtails and she was ready for work


Dolly safely came back, pretty rushed to her and gave her the tightest hug

Dolly then tells as much as she could about the (days union) and (night coalition)

Pretty:ok so... Its a dystopian world.. The nights and days are at war.. We should go with the days but also be weary of them just in case.. We know what they look like.. The process of getting into The city is kinda dangerous.. And we must watch out for night creatures..

Cold:wow i can already imagine the city is gloomy already.. Tch

Dolly:so chill_noon and devoted_noon should follow us a week after if we dont come out..?

Pretty:yes.. Im a bit weary of this but we need to know what we might have to deal with on the future.. But for now we should go to the city, tomorrow afternoon at 5pm we should go.. I will call myself a civilian there while you two back me up just in case.. And.. maybe see i we could communicate..?

cold:pfttt like that were to happen

dolly:well its worth a shot..


the next day cold_noon, dolly_noon, and pretty_noon walked inside the dimesion portal, cold and dolly went invisable, dolly mostly guiding pretty while cold was on guard just in case anyone tries to attack them

it was night time in [THE FINAL CITY] many [NIGHT CREATURES] were out this very [NIGHT]

they heard something behind pretty, pretty_noon turned around and see someone walking to them, pretty felt like they need to run, the figure walked under a street light, they were wearing a hat.. A night uniform and.. OH GOD ITS-


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(Yeah sorry for that, kinda got crack head energy there- do you want me to make this a book?
Let me know uwu

Word count: 601

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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