6. Tis the Damn Season

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Happy was standing at their front door when he first heard the scream.

He'd gone to the store to get coffee because they'd run out and Charlie and Audrey had both been asleep. He didn't want her to wake up and not get her coffee. She didn't like it when she didn't get her coffee.

He'd been dawdling because he was too busy thinking about how his life had gone from 'simple single Happy' to 'Happy with a girl who has a son' within the span of a month.

The small boy's scream was full of terror and he didn't have a second thought before he'd put his boot up to the door so hard that it flew open and he was inside the house, running through the open-living area towards the bedroom where he knew Charlie would still be set up.

Audrey screamed at the sound of the door coming off it's hinges and when he found them, she was sitting on the floor next to Charlie's bed with him behind her, protecting him from an unknown intruder.

Charlie was crying hysterically behind her, confused and scared to what was going on.

"Baby, you okay?" he asked and crouched down in front of her. "I heard Charlie scream. Charlie? You okay, buddy?"

At the sound of his voice, Charlie stuck his head out from behind his mother. As soon as he saw Happy, he launched himself around her and into his open arms, surprising all involved parties.

"He just had a bad dream." Audrey explained with a shaky voice, still paler than normal.

Happy instantly felt like an idiot.

He'd put his boot through the front door and kicked it off it's hinges because he'd heard Charlie scream.

Because of a bad dream.

When he'd calmed Charlie down enough that he could place the little man back on his feet, he ran a hand down his face and sighed into his palm.

Audrey was watching him with curiosity when he got to his feet and turned around, walking back through the doorway.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her motion for Charlie to stay put and then followed him out to the place he'd just created a mess.

"I'll get the prospect to go and get you a new door now." he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I-"

"Why do I feel like you're not going to come home tonight?" she murmured and he snapped his eyes towards her.


Over the past two weeks, he'd slowly moved everything he owned - which wasn't much - into the house. He'd stayed there every night, woke up there every morning.


The three of them would have breakfast, then he'd kiss her goodbye, kiss Charlie's forehead and he would disappear to the Clubhouse to work for the day.


He would get home and, if it was before sunset, he would play in the backyard with Charlie before the two of them would settle on the couch and watch some television - him sipping on a beer, Charlie on a water - before she called them for dinner.


It was a nice setup. He hadn't realised that he'd moved in until she pointed it out.


She'd said it so casually.

And the casual way she'd said it had him on the verge of a fucking anxiety attack.

She must have saw the panic on his face because she gave him a sad smile before she nodded towards his bike and looked down at the ground.

He stuck around just long enough to watch her shoulders sag in defeat at his refusal to comfort her or let the anxiety pass over before she turned back around and made her way to where Charlie was waiting, still confused from everything happening.

Happy's panic didn't stop when he got to the Clubhouse and stormed into the bar.

It didn't stop when he got a shot of whiskey - or the second or third - into his veins.

It didn't stop when he had the CrowEater on her knees in front of him, demanding her to blow him.

It didn't stop when he kicked her out and stared at his empty room, bare accept for the furniture that had already been there when he'd moved in and the few posters of naked women he'd put up on the walls.

She was right.

She always was.

The infuriating girl was always right.

He took the steps two at a time and nodded to Jax when he reached the bar, ready to make his way outside and to his bike.

Jax's voice made his movements falter. "Jessica said that you demanded a blowjob but didn't get your dick out and screamed at her to get out... You know, if you're going to use our CrowEater's that's fine, what they're there for. But I'd appreciate it if you didn't confuse them, she's not the brightest but she's got a mouth like a fucking vacuum and I'd hate to lose her because the Killa terrified her."

There was amusement in his President's voice and he glared at him. "Fine."

He waited a beat to see if there was anything else that the blonde would like to say to him. Of course, as always, there was something else on the tip of his tongue. "So you demanded a blowjob then kicked her out before you could get one. Now you're out of here like a bat out of hell. Where're you off to, Brother?"

Anxiety gone, voice steady, Happy replied. "Home. I'm going home."

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