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Dear journal,                                                                                                                December 2, 2040

Hi! Aspen (my twin sister) said that I should start a journal. So, here we go. My name is Elliot Mercer, but you can call me Eli or Ellie. I'm fifteen years old. Now, if you know the band 'Julie and the Phantoms', the name 'Mercer' might sound familiar to you. That's because my dad is Alex Mercer, the drummer. Let's see, what else should I add? Oh, I was born on June 8. My aunt Julie was the surrogate. I have tan skin, green eyes, and long brown hair that I usually keep in a bun. I identify as genderqueer, panromantic, and asexual. I'm planning on coming out to my dads later today.

Let me tell you about my best friends, Ryann and Caiside (that's pronounced like Cassidy). Ryann and their sister, Ainsley, got adopted by my dads' best friends, Aunt Julie and Uncle Luke, and we've been best friends since we were kids. Ainsley and I aren't super close, but she's best friends with Aspen, so it's all fine. And I met Caiside last year. We were in gym class together, and since he's trans, we both ended up talking to the teacher about where we could change. 

Now about my dads. My dad is Alex Mercer. Yes, as in the drummer for Julie and the Phantoms. He's started to teach me some drums, but I'm not any good. I always mess up the rhythm, or play to hard, or too light. Or I don't hold the drumsticks right, or I end up knocking something over (I'm very clumsy.) Oops, I got really off topic.

My other dad (I call him Papa) is Willie Mercer. He and Dad met a few years before they had us kids, when Papa ran Dad over with his skateboard. Dad told me that he was in love from the moment he saw Papa. But, they started dating, and then they got married. And then, when Aunt Julie was still in college, she offered to be their surrogate. 

Nine months later, and Aspen and I were born. 

Oh, and Aspen is getting her hair cut today, so I have to go. Talk to you later, journal!


Elliot Mercer

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