chapter three

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AHHH I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I kinda forgot this story exists, ngl

«a/n: did I use my oc's from my other jatp story as GSA club people? yes I did, thank you very much 😌 also, I have no idea how a GSA club works, so don't come at me»

Elliot takes their usual seat in Mr. Fischer's class at the end of the day. 

"Hey, Elliot." Mr. Fischer was currently sitting at his desk, typing something into his computer.

"Hey, Mr. Fischer."

"So, I saw you making heart-eyes at the new kid today." 

"We all saw their heart eyes, Mr. Fischer," Aspen says, walking into the room and plopping down next to Elliot.

Elliot is about to reply, but at that moment, four students walk into the room.

"Hey, um, this is the GSA club, right?"

"Yep! Welcome!"

The four take their seats. Ryann and Caiside are the next to walk in, followed by Sebastian.

Once everyone is seated, Elliot stands up and walks to the front of the classroom. 

"Welcome everyone to the first meeting of Los Feliz High School's GSA club! To start this meeting, I want everyone to introduce themselves! Tell us your name, pronouns, grade, your sexuality and/or romantic orientation, and a fun fact about you. This is a safe space, so if you're still questioning, or you want to try using different pronouns, or a different name, that's perfectly fine! I'll start. My name is Elliot Mercer, I use they/them pronouns, I'm a sophomore, I'm panromantic asexual, and a fun fact about me is that I'm a twin."

"I'm Aspen Mercer, but you can call me Sage. I use she/her pronouns, I'm a sophomore, I'm a lesbian, and Elliot is my twin."

"I'm Sebastian Narvaez, I use he/him pronouns, I'm also a sophomore, I'm biromantic demisexual, and uh, I play violin."

"Hi, um, I'm Ryann Patterson-Molina, I use they/them pronouns, I'm a sophomore, I'm aro/ace, and I can speak in three different languages."

"What languages?" Sebastian asks, leaning forward in his chair.

"Oh, uh, English, Spanish, and French, and I'm currently learning ASL."

Sebastian nods, a grin on his face.

The next few students introduce themselves. There's Jay, who uses they/them pronouns and is biromantic demisexual. There's Lizzie, who uses she/her pronouns and is bisexual. There's Kyle, who uses he/him pronouns and is omnisexual, and there's Jackie, who uses they/them pronouns and is aro/ace.

They spend the next half hour getting to know each other, and just talking. Once the half hour is up, and it's time to go home, Elliot ends up walking next to Sebastian. 

"Hey, so, do you maybe want to stop by that new coffeeshop? Because Sage and I were going to go check it out. We could like, work on homework, or something like that. If you don't want to, or if you have somewhere else to be, that's fine, but I just figured I'd ask, and-"

"Ellie, you're rambling again." Aspen lightly taps their shoulder and moves past them. 

Elliot flushes a deep pink. 

"Hey, it's all cool. I've actually been wanting to check out that place for a while."


"Yeah. We should totally go."

"Oh- um. Alright. Cool."

Sebastian chuckles and grins. "You weren't expecting me to want to go, were you?"

"No, not really."

"Hey, lovebirds! If you two don't stop flirting and start walking, the coffeeshop will be closed by the time we get there!" Aspen calls. 

"Shut up, Say," Elliot mutters, a blush creeping up their face. 

If they looked back, they would have seen a matching blush on Sebastian.

«end of chapter three»

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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