chapter two

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Elliot takes their seat in history, only for Mr. Fischer to walk up to them, a small frown on his face. 

Mr. Fischer was probably one of the youngest teachers in the school, having just graduated college a couple years back. But he was also one of the most well-known teachers, known for his kindness. He was one of those teachers that could bond with every kid, and instantly make them feel better. But when he was mad, you would never make a mistake again.

"Mrs. Johnson in the office wants to see you."

Elliot tilts their head. "Did she say why?"

"Nope, she just said to send you down to the office."

Elliot takes in a shaky breath. This was probably the worst feeling ever, to be told to go to the office when you don't even know that you did. "Alright, um, should I take my things with me?"

Mr. Fischer shrugs. "You might as well."

Elliot nods and stands up, shoving their notebook into their backpack.

"Hey, everything's going to be alright. See you after school?"

Elliot grins. "Yep, see you after school!"

The whole walk to the office is torture. Why did the office want them? Were the parents complaining about the GSA club? Because they could easily argue against that, and they wouldn't go down without a fight. Or maybe-

Their thoughts are interrupted when they walk into the small lobby. Mrs. Johnson grins at Elliot, and waves them over to the desk. 

"Ah, just the student I was looking for! So, I was wondering, we have a new student, would you be able to show him around the school, help with schedule questions, stuff like that?"

Elliot sighs in relief. "Yeah, I can totally do that. Dang, I thought I was in trouble or something."

Mrs. Johnson chuckles, her gold necklaces chiming. "Dear, I don't think you could ever get in serious trouble. Now, the new student is over here, I trust you two will get along well?"

Elliot nods. "Yes ma'am."

"Alright, dear. Thank you for the help." Mrs. Johnson pats Elliot's shoulder and walks back behind the desk, picking up the ringing phone. 

Pulling their backpack further on their shoulders, they stride over to the student, who's currently leaning against the wall, perfectly at ease. He looks up when Elliot approaches and grins. 

Elliot's breath catches. The boy had warm brown eyes, caramel colored skin, and hair that was currently dyed a pale lavender color. 

And Elliot was immediately smitten. 

"Hey, uh, Elliot, right?"

Elliot nods, and they can feel the blush creeping up their neck. 

"Cool, I'm Sebastian!" The boy-Sebastian-holds out his hand, and Elliot slowly shakes it. 

"It's nice to meet you. Welcome to Los Feliz."

"So, Elliot, what are your pronouns?"

Elliot falters, and it takes them a second to remember that they have a non-binary pride flag pin on their backpack. 

"Oh, um, they/them, thanks for asking."

"Mine are he/him. And, you're welcome. It's just something I start by asking, and if someone gets offended by me asking for their pronouns, then they're probably not someone I want to be friends with."

Elliot smiles and tucks a stray strand of hair behind their ear. "That's actually a really smart idea."

Sebastian smiles back, and Elliot's stomach flutters. How could someone be so attractive?

"So, um, I'll show you around the school?" They didn't mean for it to sound like a question, and they internally cringe.

Sebastian nods. "Yeah, alright."

The two walk around the school, with Elliot rambling about the history of the school, and Sebastian listening intently. 

"So, what's your schedule like?"

Sebastian thumbs through the stack of papers in his hand and retrieves his schedule. 

"Uh, first period Mr. Jones, second period Mr. Bradley, third period lunch, fourth period Mr. Fischer, fifth period Ms. Barnett, sixth period Mrs. Anderson, seventh period Mrs. Bruce, and eighth period Mr. Gordon." 

"Ooh, we share a lot of classes! And our teachers are the same too, we just have different periods. Except for you have Ms. Barnett for orchestra, and I have Mr. Page for band. We share first period, fourth period, sixth period, and seventh period. And lunch, obviously."

"So um, what are the teachers like?"

"Mr. Jones is probably like, one of the coolest teachers. Seriously, like he bonds with every kid. Mr. Bradley is alright, he just gets kind of annoying sometimes. Mr. Fischer is also a really cool teacher, he's probably my favorite. Ms. Barnett is cool from what I've heard. Now, Mrs. Anderson? She's the worst. She's such a strict grader, and she totally plays favorites, even though she says she doesn't. Mrs. Bruce is really chill, she can just be a little strict sometimes. And Mr. Gordon is really cool too. He's one of those old teachers that everyone knows, and he plays all these old documentaries that everyone says they hate but actually secretly enjoy. Like, he showed us this documentary about mummies, which was kinda gross sometimes, but it was just so interesting."

Elliot keeps rambling on about the teachers, and only stops when Sebastian starts laughing. 

"Oh, sorry, I was rambling again wasn't I?"

Sebastian covers his mouth with his hand, attempting to restrain his giggles. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing.

Now Elliot's giggling too. "It's alright, really. I tend to ramble a lot."

"I like it though. It's charming."

Elliot can feel their face turning red. 

"Hey, so what clubs are there here?"

"Um, well, there's your typical show choir, jazz band, stuff like that. There's a small robotics club, and a GSA club."

"Ooh, Los Feliz has a GSA club?"

"First meeting today after school." Elliot pulls a flyer from their backpack and hands it to Sebastian. 

"Awesome, I'll make sure to be there!"

Elliot grins brightly in response.

"So, we should probably get to class."

Elliot nods. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

«end of chapter two»

a/n: did I base their teachers off of my own?? yes, yes I did.

so, what do we think about Sebastian and Elliot 👀 (seblliot? elliastian?? idk)

my life would be real low zero (flying solo)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin