Chapter 3 - "What Are You Laughing At?"

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Hey, so the fact that this has over 100 reads is  a m a z i n g  like it's truly an honor :) sorry i haven't been updating any of my stories I've been busy- happy new year btw! 🎉 anyways- on with the story!

Later on once school had ended Patrick had obviously followed Henry home, infact he had been invited over which at this point wasn't actually too unusual. Butch wasn't due to be home for another couple of hours since he still had work so they had plenty of time to 'hangout'. Patrick walked along side the blond holding his bag in one hand hanging it over his shoulder meanwhile Henry was just dragging his on the ground- "Are you pretending that bag is someone or do you just take pleasure in hurting all things, including objects?" Patrick asked in a teasing tone with a smirk across his lips as he did so. "You're one to talk, fridge freak" Henry spat back at him without making any eye contact, this just made Patrick shrug in response & continue walking close beside him. Fair enough. Once they got to Henry's house the blond opened the door to his house then put the keys back into his pockets & walked inside, Patrick followed behind him. They boys dumped their bags then headed upstairs & into Henry room where he had closed the door behind them but he didn't close it properly which had made the door creek open again & that annoyed Henry. Patrick just watched Henry go back to properly close the door this time while he was already sitting down on the bed. Henry soon joined him up there & leaned against him resting his head on the boy's shoulder "I hate this town,," he mumbled "You just threw a fit over a door & now you're ranting to me about Derry?" Patrick questioned just to annoy him "Shut up" was all he got in response to that which made him laugh a little bit & Henry cracked a small smile. The two of them just messed around & actually had fun the whole time ofcourse making time for what they usually did, they had their lips connected in a soft kiss. Henry was sitting on Patrick's lap with his arms wrapped around the other's neck playing with his long dark hair as he did so while Patrick had his hands resting on the boy's waist. The taller male soon moved his hands up the boy's back but soon stopped doing so once he had felt something,, he didn't know what he had felt but he actually had a small idea as to what it could be & that thought worried him, alot. But why?? He pulled away from the kiss & opened his eyes & Henry pulled away aswell opening his blue eyes to look at Patrick. He raised his brow in confusion "What's wrong, Trick?" He asked & Patrick soon looked at him "Take your shirt off" he said which made Henry feel his cheeks heat up, "Not right now" he replied & went to bite on Patrick's neck gently & soon kissed the spot which he had bitten. Soon enough Patrick was laying on his back while Henry was on top of him, Patrick wasn't going to give up that easily though, he tried to get Henry off of him but ofcourse he wasn't too rough with this & soon enough he had succeeded. He pinned Henry to the bed & after a bit of a difficult time he had managed to take the boy's shirt off for him "What the hell?!" Henry said in an annoyed tone of voice, Patrick just ignored him & turned the boy onto his back & then he saw it. Bruises, scars & even some cigarette burns, his eyes widened at this "Who did this" he asked in a rather protective tone but why did he care so damn much? He didn't even know. "None of your business you creep" Henry said to him, Patrick let go of the boy letting him get up & Henry put his shirt back on. "You can't just ignore my question like this, Hank" Patrick siad to him which just made Henry look away & Patrick gave a slight frown. He put his hand on the side of the other's face cupping it & made him look at him, Henry looked at the boy's green eyes that were staring back at him, it took a minute for Henry to get his words together & even gather the courage "My dad.." he mumbled. It was just as Patrick had thought, he knew that there was something going on since he saw the way that Henry seemed so afraid of Butch & now it all finally made sense. "Wanna sleep over at mine tonight?, maybe then you'll actually get some sleep" Patrick siad with a small smile which made Henry smile back & give a small, nod in response. The two boys left the house & began walking to Patrick's "My folks aren't home till late tonight plus I don't think they'll mind you staying over anyways" Patrick said to Henry. When they got there Patrick opened the door & the both of them walked inside "Lead the way, Pat" Henry said with a small grin "Shoes off first, ma' would k!ll me if the floor was dirty" Patrick replied. Henry did as told not really questioning it & took his shoes off, Patrick did the same & soon enough they had made their way upstairs. Once they were upstairs they passed a door which had caught Henry's attention, it had a lock on it "Hey Pat, what's in this room? Why's it locked??" Henry questioned & Patrick turned around & looked at the door but ofcourse he already knew which one Henry was talking about "It was Avery's room" he replied & Henry's expression changed, oh. He didn't know much about Avery & hat had happened to him but he had never asked since he had just assumed that it was a sensitive topic for Patrick & maybe it was for the best to never bring it up again. Patrick started walking again & Henry followed him the bith of them being silent. Once they got to Patrick's room from the outside you could already tell that it was his since it was sort of burn in some parts & it had meaningless symbols & swear words carved into it along with 'PH' & 'Bowers Geng' the two walked inside & Henry looked around a little bit since he hadn't actually been in Patrick's room too often "Nice room, freak" Henry said with a grin "Yeah I know right, it's so much better than yours, lameass" Patrick replied with a sly smirk. The two of them had quite the collection of nicknames for eachother even though most of them sounded like insults it was all just a joke to them both. Patrick walked over towards the other & pecked him on the lisp which had caught Henry by surprise but he pecked him back nonetheless. "C'mon" Patrick said & motioned for Henry to follow him which made the blond curious, Patrick grabbed something off of a table but Henry couldn't see what it was. The lanky teen walked over towards the window then opened it with his spare hand then climbed outside & onto the roof, Henry saw this as a little odd but he followed him anyways & sat down beside the other on the roof. Now he could see perfectly what Patrick was holding, a pack of cigarettes, he watched the boy get his lighter out from his pocket & he gave the box of cigs over to Henry & the blond took one from the pack before handing it back over to Patrick & he took one for himself then placed the pack down beside him. He lit both of their cigarettes before putting his to his lips & blowing out smoke not long after & Henry did the same. They were silent just sort of relaxing which was nice, they both found this weird sort of comfort in eachother but Henry had just chose to ignore it & move on but Patrick just enjoyed it while it was lasting. Patrick looked over at Henry & Henry could feel his eyes on him which made him look back over at Patrick, the taller boy had hair in his face so Henry sued his spare hand to move it to behind his ear & Patrick looked into his eyes & Henry looked back seeing Pat's beautiful green eyes again.. a laugh escaped from the darker haired males lips which left the blond a little confused "What are you laughing at?"

A Good Type Of RealOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora