Chapter 2- Threats & Love

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Hi so I'm sorry if this story is slow with updates & new chapters it's just something that I'm writing for fun & I don't really have many ideas for it I'm just doing whatever but just wanted to put that out there 👍🏻💞

The next day at school was normal for the two of them not much really happened it was just the usual going to classes, getting in trouble, messing with the losers, ect you get the idea. When it came to lunch the group were sitting at their usual table but two members were missing. Patrick & Henry were in the changing rooms since before lunch they had P. E together. Patrick had Henry's face cupped in his hands as he kissed him & Henry kissed him back without a bother. They didn't expect anyone to be needing in the changing rooms at this time so they didn't really need to worry much about someone walking in on them. Henry played with Patrick's hair a little bit with that being a normal thing he'd do during these times. Henry soon pulled away from Patrick & Patrick parted after he did. "People will start getting suspicious if we take too long so let's go, if rumours start then I'll lose all the sanity that I have left." Henry said to Patrick before walking away. Patrick followed then walked along side Henry "So you don't mind doing this shit but as soon as someone makes up one little rumour about your sorry little ass you get scared" Patrick asked with a small smirk across his face now trying to get under Henry's skin about it. "I swear to fucking god Patrick if you think that this is funny you'll soon be sorry." Henry threatened but ofcourse it didn't scare Patrick much he just put his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering to Henry for a joke. Once the boys had left the changing rooms they got to the groups lunch table & sat down in their usual seats. "Where were you's?" Victor asked curiously "Doesn't matter." Henry stated & all Patrick could do in that moment was laugh "Shut your face."

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