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As he walked down the stairs of the stage, Harry watched him to make sure he was ok. The boy took off his hoody just before he entered backstage and Harry gasped out loud.

"Fucking hell Louis."


"You alright Haz? Look like you've seen a ghost." Liam shook Harry's shoulders in attempt to wake him up from his daze. He replied with a simple yeah but his thoughts didn't stop going through his head.

"Are you sure? Your still staring into space."

"Y-yeah I'm fine Liam." Harry swatted his hand in front of Liam's face, not really paying attention to what he was doing. "Um, do you mind handling some of the drinks? I need to...do something."

Liam had no idea what he was talking about but the way he was acted was worrying him a bit so of course he took his place at the bar so he could do what he needed to do. Harry escaped from behind the bar and headed into the clubbing crowd, not knowing whether he would be allowed into the backstage or not. I mean surely he is allowed he works here. Despite the club no being as full today, a lot of people had come out from the other rooms making it a lot harder for Harry to get past everyone. One guy in particular get dancing right  in Harry's way, stopping him from walking through. He awkwardly tapped the man on the shoulder, the tall, muscular, very intimidating man.

"Excuse me. Sir?"

"What?" The man replied in a rude manner.

"I just wanted to-"

"Look sorry mate I don't swing that way." He pulled away and carried on speaking to the girl next to him.

What the fuck? Why did he just assume I was hitting on him? Is it really obvious that I'm gay? Oh it doesn't matter.

"Look I'm not gay and I'm not hitting on you so if you could just move out of the fucking way I'll leave you alone." Harry yelled, luckily not grabbing anyone else's attention due to the loud music. He's been getting a lot better at standing up for himself lately and he could tell the tall person was as shocked as Harry was.

"My bad." He stepped out of the way with a dirty look on his face which Harry just ignored.

When he got to the door, which he assumed led to back stage as there was a guard standing beside it, he through through in his head what he was going to say to Louis.

I have no idea what I am going to say to Louis.

"Excuse me, can I please get backstage? I work here."

"Oh of course darling I saw you working behind the bar. Go ahead."

Wow women are a lot nicer then men.

He thanked the door girl who was polite enough to let him through and he stepped into the small corridor. It was quite compact back there considering it was only two dressing rooms and an entrance to the stage but it was more then he expected. There was a few people dotted around and Harry was lucky enough to stop Niall straight away taking a drink from his water bottle.


"Fucking hell Harry you scared me!"

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