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"This is gonna be such a fun night." Niall whispered.


"I don't care what any of you lot think anymore!"

"Louis your making a big deal over this-"

"I'm not making a big deal, your all betraying me! I thought you cared."

"We do but you need to understand-"

"I don't have anything to say to you Yorkshire tea hating swines! How can anyone like any tea better, your all disgusting."

Half and hour late and about ten arguments revolving around Louis disagreeing with someone's opinion went by. It's not that he didn't respect their opinion, he did, but it was still wrong to him. When he disagrees with someone, there is no doubt that he is going to make it a big thing.

"I like Yorkshire tea..." Harry mumbled shyly under his breath.

"Thank you! Someone with common sense."

Interrupting the boys, the ring of the door bell echoed through the room. Niall practically threw himself out of his seat to reach the door before anyone else could. He swung the door open cheerfully, expecting the pizza man to be standing there with fresh food on his hands, but instead Kaley stood there with an awkward expression.

"Um Kaley right?" Niall huffed, trying to hide his disappointment.

"Yeah, is Liam here?"

Liam came home behind Niall and as soon as she saw him, she did her usual routine of twirling her hair around in hope that he will instantly fall for her or something. Even after pretending that Zayn was his boyfriend, she just didn't get the message. Niall went and sat back down and sunk in his seat with a stroppy tone.

"Alright Kaley?"

"I'm great Liam, haven't spoken to you in a while."

"Yeah well it's been quite busy at work so I haven't really been around when you have been."

"It's a shame, I've missed that cute face of yours."

Everyone was eavesdropping on their conversation and Louis was making subtle facial expressions to question whether Liam liked her or not. Niall wiggles his brows while Zayn was sat there biting his nails, nervous for Liam. It was clear that he was oblivious to the fact that she was flirting again but he couldn't just go up there and kiss him so she would piss off, or could he?

"Zayn! You alright mate, you look pale." Louis snapped his fingers in front of his face and he swatted them back like a fly.

"Yeah yeah, it's just- hang on."

Zayn softly stood up and edged his way over to the door, standing to the side so neither Kaley or Liam could see him. He watched as Kaley stroked his arm with a single finger, moving it up and down his staring intensity into Liam's chocolate eyes. Zayn felt a heavy drop in his stomach but he was unsure why. He guessed he was just one of those people who hate witnessing PDA.

"Anyway, what did you want Kaley?" Liam questioned, still not realising what she was doing.

"Oh right. I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch with me on Saturday. Just the two of us. We can take a walk in the park or something as well if you like."

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