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Welcome to 'Therapy' !! This is the first larry fanfic that I've actually decided to publish. I've written many in the past but they were too boring. Still don't think this is all that great but hopefully you enjoy this regardless :)

I'm 14 years old so that probably why my spelling is going to be TERRIBLE (yes I'm blaming my age I don't wanna sound stupid ok?) so if there is a spelling error you can correct me or just ignore it. It's up to you :)

I want you to know a few things first before you read.

I have altered some of the characters personalities a lot but that in no way means they are like that in real life. If I write someone with bad personality, I don't think of them like that, I simply just did it for the plot of the story to work. I'm sure you all know this anyway but just wanted to be clear so there was no hate send to any of the people in real life.

There will be swearing, so if your not okay with that then don't read this. I mean, you can't really have a book with Louis in it and there not be swearing lol.

There will be plenty of fluff but you'll have to be patient before we get to that. You'll also have to wait and see if there will be smut or not ;)
If there is then I will definitely put a warning for those who are uncomfortable reading it.

I do also have another ship in mind that I'm going to include in this, so there will be side story lines for them but the main focus is going to of course be on Larry.

I think that's about it so I just want to say thank you if you decided to click on this book and read it. It means a lot even though I'm not expecting many reads.

Please tpwk and enjoy :) Xx

Therapy  -  l.s.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant