baby im not even here

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Scaramouche was excellent at the fandango. You loved him even more now. But you couldn't help but wonder why it didn't feel real. You had painted him 420 times but he still felt unreal.

"Y/n you're crying," he said.

You were crying because he had to leave for work. It was so sad but you knew you could trust him this time.

"Ill be okay."

"Ok bye," he said, leaving you alone.

"Ok, bye," you responded, feeling so emotional

Suddenly the door opened again and he returned, launching himself at you.

"Hi im back dear did you miss me?!?!?!" he whisper yelled, smiling at you.

"Yes I missed you so much why dont we watch paint dry together."

"I have a better idea."

You were all of a sudden kncoked out, ans all tou saw was black. You heard someone chanting. The Scaramouche was fake. You should've known.

"Baby I'm not even here, I'm a hallucination," said the voice, turning out to be an old woman.

Suddenly you woke up in a hillichurl camp. The hillichurls were laughing, eating stolen choPhe Sui
hAiey. You blushed, seeing them closeup. But when you looked down, you were one of them.

You realised that your life was changed now. No hot man would fall in love with you like this. You cried, but hillichurls dont cry. You thought you werent like other girls but you were wrong

Your life was over.

Scarasmooch: The Fatiu HotbringerWhere stories live. Discover now