Little Game of Twister...

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          Marco and I had overslept a bit due to.. well... staying up.. Well, as I was saying, since we overslept, everyone else was already up and were all hanging out in the main area. 

          When the brown haired boy and I walked out, all eyes turned to us. Jese. Has everyone already left!? The only ones remaining here were apparently Eren the asshole, Armin the smart-aleck, Mikasa the goddess, Connie the idiot, Sasha the food lover, Ymir and Krista the lesbians, Bert, Annie, and Reiner. Interesting.. Only our friends are still here.. 

          "Marco, Jean, get over here!" baldy shouts, waving his arms like a mad man. 

          "Oh, Connie, Sasha.. All of you... Why on earth are you still here?" Marco asks, walking up to the group. And of course I was gonna follow him. 

          "Since Eren, Armin and Mikasa can't go anywhere for the break, we decided to stay until tomorrow." I raised an eyebrow, remembering the shit the three of them had went through. I might hate Eren's guts, but I know he was scarred by what he saw. 

          "Oh.. So you guys aren't leaving yet?" Marco asks, watching everyone shake their heads. "Oh! Alright.. Well, uh.. The trip to my place isn't very far, so why don't Jean and I stay with you guys for a while!?" Oh no. Marco, bad idea! 

          "Wait, you two are spending the break together?" Ymir asks, giving us her normal death glare. 

          "My family doesn't celebrate Christmas. Marco invited me, so I obliged." I say confidently, not wanting everyone to jump to... well, sudden conclusions.. If you know what I mean. Of course, they wouldn't be wrong. 

          "Come on, Jean! We should stay for a bit!" The hazel eyed boy chants, setting his bags down by a pillar and running over to the group. He sat down, gesturing for me to follow. God, sometimes I hate how persistent he can be. If he gets his mind stuck on something.. Well, we're all done for. There's no changing his mind. "So, what are we doing?"

          "Truth or Dare." Reiner exclaims, smirking. "And since you two just arrived, you'll be my next victims." God, this guy can be hella scary at times. "How about.. Marco, let's go with you." 

          "Dare! Hit me with your worst!" Reiner's whole face went dark as the smile on his face got way bigger. 

          "Marco, you're dead. Somehow he always comes up with the best options." Annie says calmly. "Oh, and there's a catch to the game. If you don't go through with a truth then you have to take a shot. If you don't go through with the dare, then an article of clothing is stripped." 

          At the blondes words, Marco's face went blank. "What!? Guys, we're only like.. thirteen-fourteen!? What the hell!?" He has a point! Some of us won't be able to handle the alcohol.. Damn, I guess that's why you get the option to do it or not. Wouldn't it be a good idea to just back out now!? 

          "Alright. Bring it on, Reiner." Marco cracked his knuckles, getting surprised looks from everyone. Even me. 

          "How big is your dick?" The room burst into laughter, but Marco placed his hand on his chin, thinking. 

          "Well, it's about an inch bigger than yours, so I'd have to say I'm about nine inches." The room went silent while everyone stared at Marco in awe. Then turned their attention to Reiner. 

          "Well he sure got you." Ymir snickers, laughing again. "And damn Marco, you're packing." The room once again breaks into laughter. Why did he feel so casual about sharing that information!? That should be just for the two of us to know!

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