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          "Jean...?" Go away Armin.. "Jean, I know you're awake." Pretend you're sleeping. Maybe he'll go away. "Look.. You don't have listen to me. Nor do you have to reply. But.. I know how hard Marco's death was on you. Actually, I'm surprised you took it as well as you did. When I thought Eren was dead.. Well, you know.." 

          Yea. Except Eren WASN'T dead. Why couldn't it have been Marco? Then I'd have a titan boyfriend! That would have been fun. 

          "Look, I... I know he was more than a friend to you." At that, I sat up, staring into his sad, blue eyes. "Hm. Knew it." The blonde looked away, scooting towards me a little more and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Jean.. How much did he mean to you?" 

          I thought about the question for a moment before giving a slight smile and looking down at the gold ring that was resting on my finger. 

          "My best friend. My comrade. My... The person I had those kinds of feelings for.." Don't cry, Jean. Oh crap, you're crying. "He was the most amazing thing in my life. I thought it was useless at first. Living, I mean. Because of the titans. But then I decided that serving in the MP's wouldn't be too bad. Of course, since Marco also wanted that, the two of us together decided that we'd join. From there, I guess.. well, I admired Mikasa. I'm pretty sure everyone knew. But... I was actually in love with Marco. On my birthday in the third year, he even gave me a ring. I remember it so vividly. We were running laps, he pulled me to the side, then pulled the box out of his pocket. Then, he handed it to me. It was a ring."

           "H-He proposed?" Armin questions, looking at me with more sorrow than before. 

           "No. Not a proposal. A promise ring." 

           "O-Oh... uh.. If you don't mind me asking, what was the promise exactly?" I don't wanna think about it.. But its ARMIN!

           "It was a promise that.. that we'd survive. That the two of us would live together in the MP's.. That was our plan. Then the bastards.. They killed him." 

           "J-Jean.. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have imagined you'd hurt so much. I mean.. He was your best friend, your lover.." 

           "Heh. If he was still alive, this ring would most likely have turned into an engagement ring. You know.. But.. If he was still on earth, I wouldn't have joined the scouts." 

           "Well, I'm happy you did." Yea. So am I... "Jean, can I ask you another question?" I nodded, allowing the blonde to speak. "Do you believe in an afterlife?" Huh? "S-Sorry, I know it was out of the blue, but.. Um.. I was just wondering." 

           "I don't know.. I.. I guess." I say slowly, nodding. 

           "Then think about this. If you die..." Cutting yourself off? He smiled, using his hand to urge me on. Although, I had no idea what he was talking about. "God, you're you. I'm not surprised.. But.. If you die, you could see Marco." Wait.. what? "Up there. That's where he is, right? So, if you pass away, you'll finally get to see the love of your life again." 

          The face I was giving him must have made the boy unsettled. "O-Oh, um- I meant.. Please don't die yet. We still need your help to stop the war." 

          "Heh. Armin, you shouldn't have given me the idea." I say, staring down at the ring once again. 

          "Jean, don't think about it! We need you!"

          "Calm down, I was only joking." I snicker, causing the boy to smile.  

          "Thank god." He came closer to me, then laid down on the thin sheet of cloth we called beds. 

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