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I'm only going to post a new chapter when the old chapter has at least 100 views, so please, please, please read and vote and comment. Thank you for anyone who takes the time to read this. I have put a lot of time and effort into it so thank you very much- devoncat1 😘

My life is fairly messed up. And I'm not the sort of person to overrate, like the bleach blond, silky haired girls who act like they just lost a finger when they chip a nail. Frankly, I think it's pathetic. But I suppose that I don't really have the right to say that, as I was one of them once upon a time.

I glance in the mirror quickly, and expect to see pretty, long haired Brooke, with her dazzling smile and bright blue eyes. The sort of eyes that gets you whatever you want. Yes I was pretty. I hate the word was, it just intensifies what you don't have any more. I don't see that Brooke though, I see empty dishwater blue eyes, scraggly blond chin length hair, and a non-existent smile.

Despite how selfish I was back then, I can't help but sometimes wish I was life -loving, popular Brooke, who had no cares in the world. She doesn't exist anymore though, and sometimes I want her back. It's not like I faded into the background though more of the opposite. I became rude and bitchy, and where people used to love and even idolise me, now there is just hate and pity.

I glance at the clock beside my bed. 2:37. I've been struggling to get to sleep lately, I don't even do anything, I just stare at the ceiling mindlessly, imagining what the old Brooke would be doing right now. Sleeping. 'Beauty sleep' I used to call it. Now it just sounds flipping ridiculous. But I was beautiful back then.

I'd wake up at 9:00, and waltz into the classroom, swishing my long blond hair as I came in through the door. And all the heads would turn to me, the girls wanting to be me, and the boys eyes would positively sparkle when they saw me. Miss Clarke would shoot me a disapproving glance, but she wouldn't say anything. The authority scale was pretty messed up, and I ended up having more authority than her.

I'd sit down between Conner and Michelle, my best friend and boyfriend, who'd slip his arm around my shoulder. She had it good that Brooke.

After I came home from the clinic. Conner tried, he did. But I found it all so trivial. I brushed him off again and again, with rude comments and anger. And after I came into school one day with my hair cut jaggedly to my chin, I suppose it was the last straw. I was too ugly for him. I started sitting as far away from him and Michelle as possible, especially after the two of them started dating. Connor would openly start making out with Michelle in front of me, occasionally shooting side glances, but I kept my gaze on my desk. I was just beyond caring.

It got worse over time. I lost interest in just about everything, school, home. I'd get home every evening and go strait up to my room. I know my mum tried her best, to get me talking about my day at school and my 'best buddy' Katherine. I didn't have the heart to tell her that Katherine doesn't exist. I usually just answer her with a 'it was fine thank-you.', and eventually, she gave up asking.

As I gave up on everything and everyone, everyone gave up on me. I don't blame them really.

I would give up on me too.

Any thoughts??? I'd love to have feedback about it and it would be greatly appreciated!! 😝

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