Brooke's Back Bitxhes

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The characters are fictional and completely open to your own interpretation! I will probably be drawing more stuff, so if there's anything or anyone you would like me to have a go at, just comment and I will do!!!- devoncat1 😊

"He's going to need a paramedic!"

I twisted and turned to see myself in the long full length mirror. The dress I was wearing stopped just above the knee, it was light blue and showed off my figure perfectly. I frowned when Michelle said that, and twisted around to see her sprawled across my bed with a magazine in her hand.

"What?" My eyebrows scrunched together as tried to figure out what the hell she was talking about. I don't know if it was just nerves, but somewhere in my idealistic mind, my date was in the middle of nowhere in serious need of medical help.

Michelle rolled her eyes at me, and tossed the magazine carelessly onto the end of the bed. She stood up with a hand on her hip. I seriously wondered why I was the one going on the date and not her. She was effortlessly prettier than me, with her Indian origin, she had long thick black hair and dark long eyelashes that made her look absolutely gorgeous. I seriously wondered why we became best friends in the first place, seeing that if she was anyone but, I would probably hate her. And her me. I could just see her taking him away from me in the blink of an eye, but she wouldn't. And that I can be positive of.

"He'll probably have a heart attack the minute you walk though the door." She sighed dramatically. "Seriously, I shouldn't be wasting my material on you!" Then the grin spread onto her face once again.

"Are you sure? I swear I look so fat in this." I peered at myself in the mirror again. If I could only drop those last few pounds. It's probably nerves spurring me on. Miss a meal. Or two. I know I look fine, great even. That's one thing me and Michelle have in common, we both dress to kick ass.

"Are you serious?! Bixch, you look fabulous!" She twisted me towards the mirror and declared it in a slightly dramatic tone. But it quickly turned to one of worry, and her face morphed into a caring expression. "No more weight loss ok? You look great. Drop dead gorgeous."

With these weird feeling overwhelming me, I suddenly spin around and hug Michelle with all I can muster. I think she's slightly taken aback at first, because I'm not one to be all caring and sympathetic, and she knows that. And the sudden twist in outlook must make her confused.

"Hey. You'll ruin your makeup." She said softly, but she hugged me back, however briefly, it was still there. I took a deep breath, pulled away and turned to look in the mirror for the millionth time. For some stupid reason, I could feel tears brimming in my eyes, but determinably, I pushed them back and gave the mirror a dazzling smile.

"Trust me, Connor McDonald won't know what's hit him."

Look out bitxhes. Brooke Hopper the Bulldozer is back in business.

This is a flashback! Hope you all got that! Thanks for nearly 3k views!!! I am so happy!! I never thought I'd get that many, so please keep reading and recommending!- devoncat1 ☺️

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