Big Little Brother

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KOLTON had always been taller than his older sister

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KOLTON had always been taller than his older sister.

Ever since they were toddlers, Kolton outgrew her. She never minded it, up until he started getting mistaken as her older brother. Many people believed that Kolton was older than Katherine, even though she was five years older. It got to the point where Kolton would tease her constantly about their height different.

While he was at six foot five, Katherine stayed at the sweet height of five feet tall. It was sometimes humiliating whenever she had friends over. Kolton wouldn't go a second without belittling her in front of her friends. Although she was the older sibling, she always felt like the youngest because of the way that Kolton patronizes her.

This weekend, it was only going to be Kolton and Katherine. Even though her parents had strictly made a rule to having no friends over, Katherine had to invite her best friend Kristin over. Normally, Kolton would rat his older sister out, but in this situation, Kristin has been on of Kolton's crushes since the first grade.

She was always on his side whenever Kolton teased Katherine. Katherine hated it, but they were best friend's, so all they needed to do was just not talk for a while and they would automatically forgive each other. Kolton was sitting on the couch beside Katherine as she waited for her best friend to arrive.

"Look at this Kat," Kolton said, calling for his sister. She turned her head and shifted down to see her brother's socked feet. Her face twisted in disgust. "Guess how long I've been wearing them."

"Considering that those socks used to be white and now they aren't," Katherine pointed out, swinging her eyes back to the television. "I'm going to say a few days."

"Try a week," Kolton exclaimed, sounding rather proud. Katherine gagged in response. Kolton swung his legs onto the couch and laid them out over her lap. Katherine shrieked in disgust. "Take a good smell of them."

Kolton lifted his gigantic feet and shoved them into his sister's face. She yelled in anger and shoved his legs off of him. He laughed in amusement but was cut off by the doorbell from the front door. Katherine jumped up to her feet, brushing herself off.

"You're absolutely disgusting, you know that right?"

Kolton smirked at his older sister. She rolled her eyes before opening up the door, completely switching her attitude. Kristin screeched in excitement and engulfed her best friend into her arms. Kolton stood up and walked over to the two babbling best friends. Katherine stopped her chattering and turned her head to meet the eyes of her brother.

"I know that this is a sort of girl's night but I kind of wanted to take you two out for dinner," Kolton said, sneaking a look at Kristin. "What do you two think about that?"

"I'm down."

"Kristin," Katherine growled, slightly nudging her. Kristin glared at Katherine, and she could tell that she really wanted to. Katherine sighed in defeat. "Fine. Whatever. We'll go."

Kolton smiled and went racing up the stairs to get his shoes. Katherine and Kristin walked over into the living room. They saw something glowing on the coffee table when they arrived.

"Is that yours?" Kristin asked, pointing at the glowing green rock. Katherine shook her head, taking a closer look at the object. "Hmm, what do you think it is?"

Katherine picked it up to get a closer look, only to feel a jolt of electricity shoot throughout her body. Her first instinct was to grab Kristin, which was exactly what she did. The two girls shrieked in fear before shrinking down immediately after. Katherine gasped in awe as she looked around at the huge objects surrounding her.

"Tell that little crystal thing to turn us back to normal!" Kristin screeched, ripping the item out of Katherine's hands. "Turn us big against! Turn us—"

All of a sudden, the ground began to shake, making Kristin lose grip of the object. The two best friends gasped in shock as the green rock shattered into a million pieces. They both turned around, only to see Katherine's little brother making his way into the living room. Katherine always knew that her little brother was big, but never did she imagine in a million years that he would be a giant kind of bigger than her!

Her gigantic brother made his way into the room and sat down on the couch that was right in front of them. His soft brown eyes were searching the area for the two girl's but he couldn't see no hear them jumping up and down, crying for his attention.

"Hmm, I wonder if they just went to Kat's room to try on some shoes," Kolton said to himself. He put his sneakers onto the coffee table, inches away from crushing his older sister and best friend. "Time to get these two bad boy's on."

Kolton slipped on one of his sneakers, but kept the other one off. Kolton turned around and saw that his sister or her best friend hadn't come downstairs yet. He sighed. He didn't think too much of it and lifted his sneakered foot onto the table, shaking it violently for the two small girls.


Katherine lunged at her best friend who was falling off the edge. She barely caught her wrist, but was instantly pulled down with Kristin. The two girls fell to what they would predict as their death toward the inside of Kolton's sneakers. Katherine and Kristin both grunted in pain as they both hit the bottom of the sneaker. As they both groaned in pain, Katherine shook her head slowly.

"I hate to tell you this," Katherine moaned in discomfort. "But the foul smell that we're smelling right now is what I have to smell every day of my life."

"Please don't say that we landed in your brother's—"


Their eardrums rattled in pain as Kolton's low, booming voice echoed in through their ears. As if they weren't already going through hell already. Kolton grunted as he gained no response. The two girls laid helpless in Kolton's shoe. He was completely unaware of their presence, and they were in far too much pain to scream for his attention any longer. They had given up. 

"Fine, whatever, I'm not going to be waiting for them anymore," Kolton said, raising his foot above the shoe. The two girls widened their eyes as they watched his gigantic foot descend toward the shoe. "Even if Kristin is here."

The two girl's just closed their eyes and accepted their fate. Katherine found it bizarre that she was about to get squished by her little brother. He never would have known what happened to her, but she just couldn't do anything about it. Kolton put his foot into the sneaker, squishing the two girls beneath his foot. He didn't feel a thing, nor did he hear a thing. Kolton stood up, crushing them deeper into his sole.

Kolton froze. "Maybe I should go check on them," Kolton mumbled to himself. He turned around and was about to head upstairs but he stopped himself. "You know, I'll just call them when I get there. I'm hungry."

Kolton agreed with his self-talk and made his way out the door, not knowing that his older sister and her best friend were crushed beneath his sock inside his sneakers.

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