chapter 1

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* ❤︎Hello! There is an important authors note at the end, so please read it!! it will explain some information that is important to the book!! Enjoy! ❤︎*


-Eraserhead's pov-

I just wanted to go to bed, but could I? No, no I could not. Here I am at 3 am on patrol, wanting to pass out. There's a new vigilante, chameleon that made a debut a few weeks ago and the staff of U.A have been asked to keep an eye out on patrol. I hope i'm not pulled into the case. 'I have not had enough coffee for this',I thought bitterly. Stupid zashi, I still can't believe a grown man's first response to seeing a freckin spider is to throw the closest thing. Which happened to be my baby, the coffee maker. I love zashi, I really do, but he is an idiot!

I'm pulled from my thought's by the most AMAZING smell EVER! My feet move on auto-drive to the amazing smell, while I pray it's an open coffee shop or restaurant and not some random person with coffee. I look around and spot a place called, "The Espresso Shot Cafe" I start walking towards the building and a sign with neon lights said the cafe was open. When I open the door, a strong, but not overbearing, scent of coffee and sweets filled my nose. I walked in one step when i heard, " Welcome to the Espresso shot cafe, what can I ge-" the voice was cut of with the sound of a chair sliding. I heard something hit the ground hard and an "oof." Um....what?

-Izuku's pov-

I looked over at the clock and its 3 am. I didn't go on patrol today, I wanted to open up the cafe. I haven't opened the cafe in two days, and I didn't want the regulars to riot. It was mostly empty until around 12, then a big herd of people came in. I have no idea why people were coming in at midnight, but i'm not judging. I getting bored so i decide to make me a espresso. I get all the ingredients and now i'm looking for my favorite espresso cup, it was gotten for me by a costumer who came in every day, before they moved away.

I look around and notice its on the top freckin shelf! That's it i'm going to murder kacchan! He knows I can't reach the top shelf without a stool! I go grab the stool, set it down, and climb on top of it, and stand up to reach for the cup. I was still, sadly, not able to grab it so i got on my tippie toes. Now, some would think that being a vigilante would make me graceful. Well, it doesn't. I heard the door open and i turned around saying, " Welcome to the Espresso shot cafe, what can i ge-"

I didn't get to finish when I started falling of the stool. I try to throw my arms out for balance but it was to late. I landed on the cold tile floor with an audible "oof." A few seconds later, I see a exhausted looking man looking over the counter. wait... eraserhead? HOLY CRAP ERASERHEAD IS IN MY FRECKIN COFFEE SHOP!! Still internally panicking, i notice eraserhead staring at me. We keep eye contact for about 3 seconds before he lept over the counter with ease, and crouched down to help me up.

-Eraserhead's pov-

What the actual heck. What did I just witness? I'm debating weather I should just walk away but I need coffee so...

'I should make sure there okay,' I thought while making my way over to the person. I looked over the counter and saw the worker still laying on the ground. He seemed fine, but he made no move to get up. I scanned over his face, looking for any injuries, when we made eye contact. After a few seconds I jumped over the counter, crouched down, and held out my hand to help him up. He hesitated for a second, before grabbing my hand.

When I pulled him up, however, I overestimated how much he weighed. Which resulted in him slamming into my chest. Hard. He quickly backed away, rubbing his nose. " I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pull you up so hard! is your nose okay?" I said with a tone thick with worry. " Yeah, yeah i'm fine! Sorry, if I worried you! Thanks for helping me up!" ,the kid said with a blinding smile. "Welcome to the Espresso Shot cafe, what can I get for you Eraserhead?"


Sorry this took so long!!! I have a case of writers block, and the darn thing isn't wanting to go away! I most likely spelled some things wrong..... sorry!

Anyway, i promised so information, so here it is!!

- Izuku's dad is not in the picture, he is in america

- Izuku's mom is a violent alcoholic. She has gotten physical with Izuku a few times, but she never remembers it. She's not going to be like that the whole time though.

- Bakugou is nice

- Dabi, Toga, and Shiggy are not villain's

- Bakugou, Dabi, Toga and Shiggy work at the cafe with izuku. They also know he is a vigilante.

- Mineta is not going to be a pervert.

- Izuku lives in the cafe with dabi, toga and shigaraki.

- Izuku does not have a quirk.

Goodbye, my beautiful people! Watch out for lego's, plastic barbie brushes, and yellow snow! Stay safe from the crazy world, BYE!!!

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