chapter 2

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*okayy so I forgot about this story completely.  A lot of things have happened and it slipped my mind! Note at the end!*

*eraserheads pov*
I was immediately put up my guard. Not many people recognize me, most of the ones who do are villans. However almost as soon as my guard went up, my gut told me to trust him. Any hero worth their salt listens to their gut, so I relaxed slightly. "Is there anything I can get you eraserhead?" The kid warily said. "How do you know who I am kid?" I finally asked without thinking.  His smile got huge as he word vomited about a paragraph in 10 seconds.  The only thing I was able to catch was, "you've been my favorite hero since forever!" That's it, I need to go home. I can't even understand this kid anymore. 

"What would you like to drink? Sorry for talking so fast, I got excited!" He asked after a bit. The lack of hesitation I had when answering "The strongest thing you have will do." immediately caused the kid to get to work. Telling  me I could have a set for a while if I wanted to.

Two minutes later a very big cup of coffee was placed in front of me. "Um a little warning,  we have pretty strong coffee so I hope you aren't wanting to sleep tonight. " the kid stated nervously as he saw me grab the cup. I took a large sip and stopped. "This is the BEST coffee I have ever tasted!" I said as I downed the rest as quick as I could. He looked confused, as I grabbed my wallet to pay. I grabbed 20$, a cup was 5$ but it was the smallest I had. As I went to hand him the money he said. "It's on the house! Come back anytime!" So I dropped it in the tip jar instead.  Just as I was about to leave, the door flew open.

*izukus pov*
The door flew open and slammed against the wall. A tall man with a black and grey mask walked in like he owned the place. Eraser looked at me and I shrugged, I didn't know this man. Within seconds the man made eye contact with me and said "I want all of your money, now. Any sudden movement and your dead." It took everything in me not to laugh in his face and quite literally throw him out the door. "I hope you know your paying for the door if it broke at all." I said with a bored tone.

Then he did something that would change my life forever. He pulled out out gun and shot me. It clipped me in the shoulder and I fell into the counter to hold myself up causing a container of milk to spill. Within seconds the man was captured by eraserhead.  He reached for his phone as I grabbed a hand towel to put pressure on the wound. I tried to stand up fully, but luck was not on my side. I slipped on the milk and everything went dark.

*Eraser pov*

I watched the man walk in and looked at the kid behind the counter. He shrugged at me signaling he didn't know this man.  The man demanded money, to which the kid simply stated in a bored voice that if the door was broken the man would pay for it. Before I could do anything the man shot the kid in the shoulder. The green haired kid fell into the counter and spilled something all over it. I acted quickly and captured him before another shot was fired. I saw the kid press a towel on the wound then try to stand up. As soon as he was up he was down again. He slipped on milk I think and his head slammed on the counter. I tied the man up with my capture scarf a dashed to the unconscious kid. I called an ambulance as quick as I could. Then I noticed a name tag on the kids apron, it read "Izuku". I pulled him into my arms as I heard the sirens and drug the villan behind me as I rushed outside to meet the ambulance.

* Hello!! I haven't updated in a while, and I'm sorry about that! I'm going to try and finish this story by the end of 2022. Watch out for Legos and have a good day/night my little potatoes!!*

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