Chapter 5

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We see Chris's car and we get in. "I got you a present Isabel" Chris passes me out a Vodafone bag. I take out the box in the bag, it's a gold iPhone 5s. "Thanks Chris!" "I got you a new number for it aswell. You can set it up when we get back to the house" Chris starts up the car and we head back to the house. I just can't believe he got me a new phone!

We arrive back at the house, and Reece helps to bring the bags to Chris's room. I start hanging up all my clothes in Chris's wardrobe and Reece sets up my new phone. I take out my new dress for the party, and Reece comes over. "I can't wait to see you in it on Friday. You were stunning in it today" I hang it up and I turn around to Reece. "Thanks Reece" "I set up your phone and put in all the lads numbers, including mine. And I might of taken a picture or two" he grins cheekily at me.

I unlock my phone and go into the photos. There's over 100 photos if Reece. "Reece! There's over 100!" "That's why you don't give me your phone" he winks at me before grabbing my phone out of my hand and running out the door. "Reece come back!" I start running after him.

I'm out on the landing, and I trip. I'm about to fall when a pair of arms catches me. I stand up to see it's Charlie. "Thanks. Charlie, isn't it?" He smiles at me. "No problem, and yeah it is" before we can say anything else Reece comes over. "Thanks, Charlie. Haven't you somewhere to be?" Before Charlie can answer Reece grabs my hand and leads me into his room. "Just keep your distance from Charlie for a few days. He's a right player with girls, and I don't want you to get hurt"

"aww poor Reece is all concerned about me" I tease and poke him. Reece just laughs. "I don't want you to get hurt, that's all. Now, do you want your phone or can I keep it?" He holds my phone above his head. "Reece! Give me back my phoneeee!" I jump up to try and get it but I fail. "Here, I'm joking" he laughs and gives me back my phone. I take it and put it in my jean pocket. "Why don't we go for a walk or something later Isabel?" "Yeah, I'd like that" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Come down and meet the guys properly. I hope you can play mario kart" Reece winks at me and grins cheekily. "Pfft, I win every time I play it" I laugh. We go down the stairs and into the game room, all the lads are in there apart from Chris.

"Guys I hope you all remember Isabel" "yeah course. Hey Isabel" James smiles. Tom, Casey and Barclay are playing on a console and James Jake and Charlie are watching. "Hey Isabel, fancy playing a game of mario kart?" Jake asks me, already going over to set it up. "Your on Jake" I start laughing.

"Ooo, a competitive spirit. I like it" he cheekily grins over at me. "Oh Jake stop your cheesey flirting" James moans at him. "Can't blame me for trying James" Jake looks up and winks at me. "Here's your controller. Your princess peach" Jake starts laughing uncontrollably. "Dunno why your laughing Jake, but I'm gonna be the one laughing when I beat your ass" "ooo, you just got burned Jake!" I hear James say. I sit down on one of the bean cushions and the race starts. I jump into 5th place, Jake is 10th. We finish lap 1, I'm in 3rd place and Jake is in 5th. At the end of Lap 2, I'm in 1st and Jake is in 2nd. Jake goes to pass me out, and I bump into him making him fall off a cliff. "Hey, what was that for?!" "What can I say Jake, I have a competitive spirit. You even said so yourself" I concentrate on the race, and I end up winning.

"What! How?" Jake cries out. "Finally there's someone that can beat Jake at mario kart!" I hear Reece laugh. "We'll be back later guys" Reece takes my hand and we go out of the games room and upstairs.

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