Chapter 9

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A/N - Charlie is 17 in this fanfic, just to let you guys know 💕 he's older than Reece.

"Hey Isabel" Charlie smiles in at me. "Hey" I smile back at him. I get out of the fort and walk over to Reece's bed. "So are you and Reece going out?" Charlie asks me. "Yeah" I say while plugging my charger into my phone. I put my phone on the bed.

Suddenly I can feel Charlie's breath on my neck, his hands go under my pyjama top and on my hips, his thumbs tracing circles. "Charlie, sto..." "I fell in love with you when you walked in the front door a few days ago Isabel. Reece doesn't want you, he was dared to ask you out. I want you Isabel" he starts to leave a trail of kisses on my neck, I can't help but let a soft moan escape from my lips. I start to think about what he just said. Reece was dared to ask me out? I just can't believe it. Everything we've done, it was just for a dare. A tear escapes my eye.

I'm brought back to reality by Charlie. He finds my sweet spot and starts sucking, leaving a love bite. I moan softly. "Charlie..." I lean my head back onto his shoulder. Just then the door opens. "What the?!" Charlie pulls away, but he leaves his hands on my hips. I look over to see who it is. Eyes full of anger, a face of thunder. It's Reece.

"Get out Charlie" Reece whispers coldly at him. Charlie takes away his hands and kisses me on my cheek. "I'll see you later" Charlie whispers in my ear before leaving the room.

"What the fuck was that Isabel?!" Reece walks over to me, looking straight into my eyes. "He came all over me Reece. He told me you asked me out because it was a dare. Please say that's not true" I say with tears in my eyes. Reece walks over to the window and leans against it. "It is true isn't it?" I say, a lump forming in my throat. "Yeah it is Isabel. But I was going to ask you out anyway!" Reece turns around and looks over at me, his eyes glistening with tears. "And you thinks that makes it alright? These past few days, were they all just a lie?" Tears are rolling down my cheeks now.

Reece doesn't say anything. "So everything including us was a lie then Reece" I can hardly speak with the lump in my throat. Reece takes a deep breath before speaking. "No it doesn't make it alright. I do love you Isabel. I have done since I seen you at that window" Reece pauses before going on "if you can't see my love for you then maybe you should go to Charlie and be his play girl" Reece whispers coldly, staring at me square in the eyes. "You know what? Maybe I should Bibby" I sneer at him.

I get my phone and charger before walking out of Reece's room and slamming the door. I lean against the door for a minute. I close my eyes and start crying. I can hear Reece bawling. Then I hear knocks, smashes and thumps. I walk over to Chris's room and walk in. I lean against the door and slowly sink to the ground as sobs shake my body and tears roll down my cheeks. What just happened? What the fuck have I done?

So that was eventful! Will Isabel and Reece get back together? Or will she go to Charlie? 7+ votes until the next chapter! Love you all, thank you for 1.7k reads 💕

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