[~you know it~]

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"yay woho you two finally relized you liked each other for 2 years" suna said . the two looked at eachother and laughed then hugged eachother , kimori then looked at the group and said

"okay who wants to go next?"


"im gonna go i have a good song in mind" akagi walked over to the tablet while komori watched akagi picked up the mic and the song started to play the two were making eye contact . akagi smiled "kimori i'm going to be straight up with you. I like you and so this is for you"


"take that picture from the frame i put it in my pocket "

"so that everyday your with me"

"i keep you close to my heart"

the two boys were smiling happy knowing that they both love eachother.

"give me one more kiss before the boys arrive"

"Nashville to san Francisco is one hell of a drive"

the vibe of the room was so happy cause that's what akagi does, he lifts the room up and that's one of the thing's that kimori loves about him.

"but dont worry the luck is good when the road is wrong"

"and i'll be back before you know!, you know~" 

"hey la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la I Said you know it!~"


"all the pretty people and the places i've seen"

"make up for every dollar 'cause i'm living the dream"

"i ain't worried, I'll be fine~"

"because the tank ain't empty but it's feeling low"

"i'm sorry san francisco but i just got to go home"

"to my baby~"

komori blushed at the pet name that was just givin to him. this wasthe best day of his life so far because he knew there would be better one's with the one he loves

"because he's holding it down~...."

"But i'll be back before you know!~"

"you know it! "

"la la la la la la la la la la la la"

"I said you know!, you know it~" 

"la la la la la la la la la, woo!~"

"but when the days grow long he's alright"

"hey every night i know that he is still mine, but dont you break my heart"

"your the only guarantee I've got~"

"hold on a little longer, I'll be right back to you~"

akagi pulled komori up so they were standing together and said " wanna sing with me" komori looked happy but said " i would but i don't know the lyrics" "well then just sing the one's you remember" akagi smiled and komori nodded

"But i'll be back before you know~" the two sang together 

"Before you know it"

"la la la la la la la la la la la la"

" I said you know, you know!"

"la la l la la la la!"

everyone in the room was happy " wow komori now you can stop fifth wheeling with us" suna said"ya finally and im now with the man i have had a crush on ever since i saw him, who new" sakusa speaked out "ya finally you will stop talking to me about how cute he is all the time" komori blushed "yo what time is it tsumu" suna looked over to atsumu and so did the others " holy shit it's like almost 5 am" "we should probably go home now im tired as fuck" Osamu said while standing up "awww man i really wanted omi to sing" atsumu whined sakusa looked away and blushed " well to bad because if ma wakes up she's gonna kick our asses if were not home"    "fine fine, but" atsumu look's over to sakusa and kisses him on the cheek and before atsumu turned away sakusa did the same

ounce they all got out of the building  everyone went their separate ways 

~Atsumu's POV~

suna was on his phone smiling for some odd reason i wounder why?


yo anybody else have to take 3 BA's in the same week

just my school




(∿°○°)∿ i love you all so much 

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