[~halloween time bitches~]

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~atsumus POV~

i woke up and looked around my room then went back to sleep.  " GET YOUR ASS UP!" i herd my brother yell at me and i didn't wanna get hit in the face with a frying pan again so i got up and walked downstairs to smell Osamu's cooking "hey asshole were meeting up with the group in like 3 hours" oh ya it was the day of hallowee- wait what the fuck ,what time is it. I looked over to the microwave and saw that is was around 12:00 pm . dang now i know not to stay up all night watching vollyball videos and anime all night but i was happy because i got to see sakusa again.

"so what do you think Kimori planed for us tonight?" i asked Osaum shruged saying he had no idea but he bet it was something hunted it made sence tho because ever since he was a kid he loved the scary stories of this place i dont know why but i never belived them

~time skip 3 hr later brought to you by sakusa's wrists~

Kimori POV

"Hey you guys , you ready for tonight" i said with a sly grin on my face . i was replied to with ya's and sure's "can you tell us what were doing at least" sakusa asked with an uncomfortable look on his face "oh ya were going exploring outside of town" i said with  a smile "exploring where?" osamu asked "well i had recently located a old abandon asylum that's pretty worn down now"

and oh boy i was exsided because guess what i brought that the others don't know a oija bored they probably wont care i just wanna try to see if we could talk or hear real ghosts 

~no ones POV~

Then the boys started to walk to the field where the building was built , soon  they reached the building and it was HUGE (very thicc) they walked around to try to find a entrance to the building, all the main enctrance's were borded off so they had to do this everytime the went exploring in abandon places . They knew that this was probably illegal because they saw a privite property sign but they ignored it and kept walking around the building until sakusa saw a broken window 

sakusa's POV

they probably couldn't tell but i was sweating the whole walk there i really didn't wanna go but i had my gloves and mask plus some other things so i could stay kinda clean i noticed that 1 window was broken and i was thinking if i should say something or not . i did, i pointed out the window and there was a wall we were able to climb into the window

first is was kimori then osamu , me and lastly astmu but ounce atsumu got to the window his hand sliped but in the nick of time i had grabed his hand and pulled him up he kida feel on he but i was so releaved that he was safe "o-oh sorry omi-omi and also thanks for saving me there" i saw a light tint of pink on his cheaks then he smiled at me with his adorable smile- wait what am i saying i mean im not wrong but im not gay tho. 

no ones POV

Atsumu had relized he had a crush on omi last year when he saw him at nationals and the youth training camp. Ounce they both got up kimori put his phone away from taking pictures same with samu (for blackmail) the sun was setting so the boys went to find a spot to hang out for a bit . ounce everyone was settled down accept atsumu who was running around samu had pulled food out handing the rice balls to everyone accept atsumu who had to walk up to get one the he sat down right next to sakusa.

Exploration of the hospital [sakuatsu]Where stories live. Discover now