Trouble in Paradise

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Ferit PoV

I was not able to concentrate on anything after that shocking revelation. I didn't know what to think or do anymore. Back then I thought I was in love. We were even going to get married. It had been 6 long years when I had found out she was cheating on me and I had broken all contacts with her. I had been always sure of my decisions but then after knowing the truth I felt I had made a mistake. I felt uneasy knowing about the abortion. It was hard to believe that when we had been so careful. I had not been on any serious relationship ever since till I met Nazli. How would I explain everything to Nazli? I needed some more time.

It was already late , Nazli must have been waiting, I  sent her a quick message not to wait for me. I needed to talk to Pelin again . Having decided thus , I made my way towards home. Nazli was already asleep when I reached. I quickly changed and made my way towards her. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and apologized for being late even though she was sleeping. I hoped she was not too upset with me. I was too wound up to sleep and hoped  I could solve the matter the next day.

I got up early in the morning. Nazli was still sleeping. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. I have no doubt about my love for her. I gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. That doesn't wake her up and I made my way towards the bathroom. By the time I was ready , Nazli was awake. "Good morning darling. I have to go early today. Meet you later ok." I said and kissed her.

"Good morning. Ok love, but don't forget the meeting today. Its important that you are there too. By the way Bulut will be at his grand mom's this weekend. Mrs. Lehman will send the car in sometime". She informed. I went downstairs and after checking on Bulut, I went out.

Nazli Pov

Today also we didnt get much time together in the morning. I was having this uneasy feeling since morning. Although Ferit tried to be normal, but I knew he was still brooding. I tried to act cool too but inside I felt anything but calm. After I reached the restaurant , I prepared myself for the interview.

The crew had already arrived and still there was no news of Ferit. I tried to call him but he cancelled my call. I hoped there was nothing serious. 

I  showed the kitchen and explained some of the dishes that are our specialties. They asked me about Ferit , I tried to divert the discussion to my area of expertise. When they took a break, I tried to call again. This time it went to voice mail. A moment later I received a message from him that he was on his way.  At that point I felt rather angry. Why couldn't he call me? I hoped he had a good explanation.

By the time Ferit entered ,the interview was already over and the crew had left. I was in the kitchen when he came. " I am sorry honey, I got stuck in an important meeting" He said. " This was also important Ferit". I replied without looking at him. " I am really sorry. Something came up". He tried to apologize. I knew he must have something important but still I couldn't help being disappointed and so I said " Its fine Ferit, I am also busy now, will talk later". I could see the disappointment and hurt on his face and a tinge of anger. "Sure Nazli, I will leave you then. See you later". Then he left. 

Ferit PoV

I knew Nazli would be angry but thought she would listen to me at least. I felt a little angry that she didn't hear me out. I decided I would let her be alone and once she cooled down I would discuss with her. I couldn't tell her the real reason for my delay , but I would when the time came. The events of the day was replaying on my head.

I had gone to the hotel where Pelin was staying and met her there in the morning. She had been a victim as much as I had been. I needed to apologize to her. That was the least I could do after all that she suffered. What had happened could never be undone now. She and I had a different life altogether. I love my wife and never wished for something else. She is the one for me and no one else. I told Pelin that I was happy with my current relationship and I hoped that she would find happiness too. " We can at least be friends from now on and not have any hard feelings for each other" She said and I agreed. She asked me if I could take her to my sisters grave . I couldn't deny her that as she had been her friend too. We were in the graveyard when Nazli called me and I cancelled her call. I remembered the interview but I had to finish my obligations. By the time we were out and on our way back , I was already late .

Nazli PoV

I was feeling exhausted after the days work and emotional upheavals. Bulut was not home and it felt a little empty without him. I had changed and freshened up and decided to watch television for a change. The last two days had been emotionally draining for me. After I overheard about Ferit and Pelin's relationship, I had not been at ease. Ferit had been a little distant too and today I was angry with him. I felt confused with all these recent events and tired of waiting for him to tell me about that.

"My love, I am really sorry. I had to get over this meeting. I will make it up to you I promise". Ferit said kissing my cheek and inhaled my neck. I always liked the way he did that. It made me dizzy. " How about we watch a movie tonight? Bulut is also not here tonight. Let me change and you choose the movie". He said and brought a couple of movie CDs for me to select. " Alright, lets hope you have something in your collection for my taste". I said and smiled back. He was definitely in a better mood and I felt relieved too. 

I was checking the CDs when I heard a beep . I saw that Ferit had left his mobile and I glanced at it. There was a message from Pelin. It said " It was really nice of you to meet me today. I had a good time. Thanks for trusting me. Hope we can continue this relationship".

My head was reeling after reading this message. I was shocked and nothing made sense to me. The relief I felt sometime back evaporated. Why didn't he tell me anything? Was this the important meeting he couldn't ignore? Did he realize that he made a mistake by marrying me? All kinds of doubt invaded my thoughts and I just couldn't think straight anymore. "Have you selected the movie?" Ferit asked as he entered the room. "Are you alright?" He asked again seeing me. I couldn't face him right now. If he doesn't say anything, I won't speak either. "I have got a headache. Don't feel like watching movie tonight. I would like to sleep". I said and got up from the couch. As I started to walk away, he caught my hands and pulled me towards him and I crashed on his chest. He cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes. "You don't look fine Nazli. Please tell me what happened". After a moments pause I blurted " Its nothing , I am just tired and I want to sleep now". I forced myself out of his hold and went straight towards the bedroom. 

After a while, I sensed Ferit entering the bedroom. "Are you awake Nazli?" I pretended to be asleep and didn't answer. He came near and whispered " I love you Nazli". Then he gave a chaste kiss on my temples before lying down on his side of the bed. He sighed and gradually I could hear his even breathing. Sleep evaded me and I blinked open my eyes. The room was flooded with soft moonlight but my heart was not at ease to enjoy that. I thought I had control of my emotions but I am distraught. May be I was overthinking and I just needed to give him time. But the overwhelming feeling of hurt consumed me and I finally made a decision.

The Magic of Full moonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora