Closing In

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Ferit PoV

It was Friday and Bulut was away at his grand mom's. I wanted to surprise Nazli today. I bought some flowers on the way and drove towards the restaurant. I got down from the car and  I saw Nazli outside with Manami. The moment she saw me , her eyes widened with surprise and she gave me her most beautiful smile which brightened my mood immediately. I walked towards her with the flowers in my hand and said " To my beautiful wife. I missed you". She took the flowers from my hand and admired them lovingly. " Thanks Ferit. They are lovely. What is the special occasion?" She gave a quick peck on my lips. " Can't I bring flowers for my wife without any occasion? These are just normal ones." She smiled back and said " They are too lovely to be normal. I am thinking, why don't we go for a movie tonight? It's been a long time I had been to one." I usually didn't go to any movie theatres. Anything I wanted to watch was at my home theatre. But then with Nazli I was willing to try anything. " Sure let's go. I am waiting for you in the car".

There are couple of options and I asked her what she wanted to watch. She in turn asked me what kind of movies I liked. " I prefer horror movies to romantic ones." I smiled and was very sure that horror was not her type. " But I can watch a romantic comedy with you". " No , I can watch horror movies with you. I hope it will be fun." She replied and I smiled at her defiance.

With a big basket of popcorns and a pair of soft drinks, we were ready for the movie. This was a late night show for a zombie movie. The ambience was perfect for such a show. I was going to enjoy that but was wondering how my dear wife was going to take it all. After only about thirty minutes I heard a gasp and when I turned to my side, I found Nazli with her eyes tightly shut and both her hands holding the popcorn bucket. "Are you alright Nazli?" She slowly opened her eyes and said still looking at the screen " Iam fine, just didn't want to look at the ugly scene". Then she gasped loudly and turned towards me and said " Just tell me when there is some normal scene. Then I will look at the screen".  I tried to control my laughter and said " This is a zombie movie dear. There are no normal scenes. If you want we can go back. Clearly you are not comfortable".

"No.. no .. I never leave a movie unfinished. I will watch till the end". She was adamant still not looking at the movie and moved closer to me. There was a bit of popcorn stuck at the corner of her mouth. I smiled ,moved closer to her and with my lips cleared the popcorn and captured those lips with mine. She was surprised but returned my gesture. "Feeling better now?" I asked smirking and she nodded with a shy smile.

Nazli PoV

It was fun going out for a movie. Although not exactly the kind of movie I would have liked. I was still having that eerie feeling after watching those nasty scenes. When we reached home, it was pretty late and I went straight to my room to freshen up. When I came downstairs, there was no one there and I wondered where Ferit was. I called him couple of times but he was nowhere. I started to feel a bit uneasy and annoyed at his pranks. I was beginning to think he was trying to scare me knowing how I was at the movie hall. "Ferit.. this is not funny anymore. Look I am beginning to feel scared now. Please don't hide anymore". Still no sound and suddenly, one of the lamps started to flicker. My heart started to beat faster. Although, the sane part of my brain was telling me it was nothing, still i was feeling uneasy being alone in the room. Suddenly, I heard some thumping noise from upstairs and it seemed the noise was coming towards me. I turned back and what I saw made me scream at the top of my lungs. There was a red ball which was bouncing from the stairs towards me. All sanity left me and I started running towards the door screaming " Ferit.. Ferit.."  In my terror, i was unable to open the door and then I felt a hand on my shoulders. I flinched screaming and was already in the verge of tears when I heard  "what happened Nazli? Why are you screaming?"

Ferit POV

When I heard Nazli screaming my name , I realised that she must have been scared being alone in the room after watching that stupid horror movie. I warned her we could watch something else but my stubborn wife would not listen. I decided to have some more fun and purposefully hid myself and slowly made my way towards her. She was struggling to open the door and then I tapped her shoulders. She screamed and turned around and I asked her why she was screaming. She looked at me for few seconds and fell on my chest with so much force that I staggered back to hold my balance. She held to me tightly and I tried to soothe her by rubbing her back softly. She kept on mumbling " Where were you Ferit? You have no idea how scared I was. Never leave me alone , promise me". 

" I was outside looking for the zombie you see" I sniggered. She looked at me and hit my chest shyly and said " I was not really scared till that red ball came out of nowhere. How did it come Ferit?". I realised what happened and started to explain "I had bought this ball for Bulut. I guess the window was open and it made its way down because of the wind. You told me you don't fear anything. What happened to my brave wife now?" I chuckled. She smiled back and said " I thought I will get a heart attack when the door was not opening and you tapped me from behind. My heart is still thumping loudly." She took my hand and placed it near her heart and I could feel the beat. " Let me make you feel better baby" I said and took her lips with mine. I could feel her relax in my embrace and slowly we broke the kiss. " Do you feel better now?" She nodded and I didn't lose any time to pick her up and carry her to our room. I put her down and helped her to change and then gently place her on our bed. " I will make you forget everything my love". With that I pulled her closer to my chest and kissed her with all that I have and we got lost in each other.

Next day at the restaurant 

Nazli POV 

I was feeling very annoyed with my sister today when she told me she spent all the money I had saved for her tuition fee. On top of that she casually mentioned that Denise had lent her money to pay the fees for now. I was totally out of my wits. I was working so hard to save and make it on my own even though I didn't have to. I liked being independent and abhorred the idea of being solely dependent on Ferit. Although he mentioned many times that whatever is his is mine. But somehow, I always felt it right to earn my own. Assuma, on the other hand wanted it easy. She had no interest in working hard for something but wanted easy money. This had really resulted in all the problems in our life. I hoped she had learnt her lesson but i could not trust her fully. I was busy with my musings when I heard a shuffle outside. I went out to find a shocking scene in front of me. Ferit was holding Burak down and threatening him and almost on the verge of punching him right at his face.

" What is going on?" I screamed. Meanwhile Tarik and Fatosh also had come out. " Tell her for whom you are spying" Assuma threatened. Seeing me confused she continued " Look at the expensive phone he is using. I got the same phone when I was working for Mrs. Demet. I have been observing him for sometime now and he was trying to run away now".

I was totally flabbergasted by this information. "Burak! I trusted you. Why did you do that?"I asked. Assuma started to call the last number in the phone and put it on speaker. There was no doubt when we heard the person speaking from the other side of the phone. She moved the phone closer to Burak and Ferit threatened him to speak. " I want more money and I want to go away from here. I think they are suspecting me." He said and from the other side we could hear clearly " Stay low. I will tell you when and where to meet." 

Ferit held on to his collars and said with gritted teeth "So did you tell her the whereabouts of Nazli that day when she was stuck in the freezer?" 

" I didn't know that. My job was only to inform everything going around here". He said trembling.

" Well , now you are going to jail , so who is going to save you now?" Ferit said still holding him down. " Please , don't take me to the police. I will go away from here and not be seen anymore." He said pleading. 

"Tarik, take him to the police station." Ferit shoved him towards Tarik who held ropes with which he was trying to hold him down.

Ferit looked at me and we both had the same thought. We had to face Demet . I always thought Ferit was skeptical of everyone and was overtly cautious. But this time I have been proven wrong entirely. I couldn't imagine someone could play these dirty tricks on us. It was then , I realised , the day my dishes were a disaster in front of the gourmet, it must have been Burak who messed it up. I could have guaranteed that I never made that mistake. A sudden anger seized me and I announced " Let's go Ferit ,now".

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