"Thank you for this dance"

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Author: Sam [ @Error-SamNotFound ] 

Tw// Mentions of Ch/king 

[Quick thank you to Bee for giving me the inspiration to write this]


It was 8:30 pm when Shed, Mango and I had finally arrived at Gridri's mansion for the party, While we waited at the entrance for the doors to open I looked around, the sky was almost an indigo colour while the clouds were a mix of pink and orange, a reminder that it was almost night, which is when the party would truly begin. As I turned to ask Shed a question, the large spruce door creaked and opened up to reveal Gridri standing there in her red-themed outfit "Welcome you three!" She said gesturing towards the end of the light brown and gold hallway "Come right this way!" so we followed her towards the main hall, Shed in front while Mango and I trailed behind her, My white flats clacking as I moved closer and closer to where everyone else resided when we finally got to the room it was almost like we stepped back in time, it looked like something out of a castle, the marble, the lining of gold across the walls, stairs and pillars and the chandelier in the middle finished the room off perfectly "How did you get the time to build this Gridri?!" I asked "You'll never know" she laughed "Well I hope you enjoy yourselves! I've got some more guests to greet!"

As Gridri leaves, I take in my surroundings a bit more, 'This really is a pretty build' I think to myself as I follow Mango and Shed towards the kid-friendly refreshment area which I notice Mumjax and Ball are helping run. As we sit down I look towards the seating area when I notice Eclair and Woe talking with Reef, All wearing Tux Dresses and looking like they're having a great time already when Shed nudges me and asks "What do you want to drink? I turn to look at Mumjax, who is taking our order "One sparkling grape juice please" he nods and scrawls something down and then I look away again 'I wonder what got Mumjax and Ball to do this job?' I thought, thinking about all the things that could've happened until Mango looks at me and laughs "Ooo~ I bet you can't wait to talk with Skytho~" I blush in embarrassment and blurt out in response "Says the one who has such an obvious crush on Xee!" which made Mango blush in embarrassment aswell 'Karma' "Shush you two" Shed said, turning around again to continue her conversation with Mumjax.

When I looked around the room again I noticed a few more people by the seating area taking a sip of my drink I began to look around again only to almost ||choke|| on my sparkling grape juice 'IS THAT SKYTHO?!?' They were wearing a black tuxedo, with a dark olive green tuxedo shirt underneath, black pants and white shoes, which made me *swoon*. Shaking my head slightly I snapped out of my trance only to have Mango elbow me and whisper "Stop being so thirsty" only to watch her blush as Xee walked past, which made me laugh, while Shed just rolled her eyes and smiled at us before starting up a conversation with ball while Mumjax made a drink for Skeld, who was busy talking to Gridri, both looking like they were talking about something important, so I left them be, Then, I thought back to the NJO 'I guess I was so caught up in that banter I didn't notice them walk-in' I mused watching as Gridri and Skeld walked towards this sort of podium, past Helyiya and Exii, who seemed to be having a decent time which was good to see.

Suddenly, everything goes quiet and Gridri taps her microphone to test if it's working "Hello everyone! Thank you all for being here! To start off this party we'll be waltz dancing as you guys know, so if you want to waltz dance come down to the dance floor! Also, can I just give a quick shoutout to Skeld who is going to be playing the piano for us! Please give Skeld a round of applause everyone!!" 'So that's what they were talking about' I think, Clapping, soon the room is filled with the sounds of applause from me and my fellow jermits, after we quiet down Gridri steps toward the mic to say a few more words "Now, my friends, let's get this party started!"

Once I step onto the dancefloor with Mango I happily watch her walk towards Xee and exchange a few words I can't exactly hear but they're smiling and blushing, So I send a supportive smile their way 'Oh my gosh my found family is growing up so fast' I sob in my head, I may not show it but Im super proud of you Mango and always will be. After my small emotional mess of thoughts I look around the dancefloor at the assembled pairs 'Jerroc and Curry, Look like their smiling?!? Maybe that theory by Jren had some merit to it' 'Jren and Penmonster, Speaking of Jren there she is! Those are some nice outfits tho' 'Box and Far that's actually kinda wholesome I approve' 'Jevt and Feyno, Ay it's them, also I need to ask where Jevt got that dress from its so pretty'

Just as I finish looking at all the pairs I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jolt slightly and turn around to be faced with a familiar dark olive green tuxedo shirt "Whoops, didn't mean to scare you" Skytho said as she looked at me "Haha sorry about that, I was a little distracted" I smile to the taller, who then asks "Do you want to dance?" 'Wait wait wait' 'Skythos asking me??? To Dance???' I start blushing as I respond with "Sure but just be aware that im not the best at dancing and im sorry if I step on your feet once or twice" I laugh after saying that. Skytho says "That's fine, I don't mind", Although I swore I saw Skytho smile behind their mask

Slowly the music fades in and the dance begins, Skytho firmly grabs my hand as we began to waltz, shuffling our feet to the slow rhythmic music and then Skytho dips me and I make the mistake of looking up 'WHY DOES SKYTHO HAVE TO BE SO PRETTY' I think, Gazing up at their heterochromatic eyes in awe and eventually, Skytho's taken my breath away and they just smile back 'Please stop being this pretty I don't think my heart can take it'. Before I knew it, the song was over and the music changed, Now we were moving a bit faster then I was accustomed too and my movements started to get a bit more clumsy but Skytho changed our stance to make to easier for me to follow, giving my hand a comforting squeeze in the process which made my heart skip a beat 'Fuck I am really whipped for Skytho huh?'

The song changes pace again, and this time its much slower, Skytho smiles and pulls me closer to them 'Something I probably would've done anyways' I can feel my cheek burning and I knew I was totally flustered on the outside and Skytho's smile only became more noticeable when they realised, We danced together for a bit longer and then the music slowed to a stop and the lights became brighter, which is when we separated from eachother "Thank you for this dance" Skytho said, before walking over to the rest of the NJO who seemed to be proud of Skytho for some reason, I won't question it, After turning around I walked over to Shed who was smiling at me and Mango who was smirking, "What'd you think of that 'Magical Dance' that you had with Skytho?" She asked me, I was too Mentally tired to think of a comeback so I put my arms and head on the table and said the truth "Im Whipped, Im so fucking Whipped" 

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