Chapter 7

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I woke up that next morning feeling much less pessimistic. I hopped right out of bed and started to brush my auburn hair. 

"Someone is much cheerier this morning," Hortense commented. 

"Much," I smiled at her. 

"I believe your breakfast will be here soon. Would you like to start dressing now or after we eat?" Hortense opened her doors to reveal the many dresses. They were all out of date, from whenever the castle had last seen female guests I presumed. 

"How about we dress right now?" I replied excitedly. 

Hortense started pulling dresses out, holding each dress by my body to see what she thought looked best. 

"This blue one compliments your hair, but not your eyes. This green one looks excellent with your eyes, though. I like the pink the most, though. What do you think?" she said, pointing to each dress. 

"If you like pink the best, I will wear the pink," I chuckled. I put the dress on, then sat in front of the mirror. "What should I do with my hair?" I asked Hortense. 

"There is a pink ribbon in there somewhere. I suggest tying that around a bun," Hortense replied, pointing to a jewelry box. 

I attempted to put my hair in a bun, but it came out slightly messier than it was supposed to. I tied the ribbon around it, just in time for the knock on my door to signal that breakfast had arrived. 

"Come in!" I told the servant who had brought me breakfast. The door opened to reveal the teapot and her many children, accompanied with a tray of breakfast. "Thank you," I told them. 

"You're most welcome, Mademoiselle. Are you excited to leave the room today?" the teapot poured some tea in one of the cups. The cup jumped into my lap, and luckily no tea spilt out. 

"I am looking forward to it. Does the master know that I am leaving my room?" I asked. 

"I don't believe he knows. I'm sure he doesn't mind, as long as you don't go to the room, or try and escape. You don't plan on escaping, do you?" the teapot eyed me cautiously. 

"No, I don't plan on trying to escape," I chuckled. It's not like I really would have any chance at success. The castle grounds were huge, and I'm sure the beast himself would reach me before I get to the gate. 

"Your dress looks absolutely lovely," one of the teacups commented, tapping on my foot. 

"Why, thank you! Hortense picked it out," I looked over at the wardrobe, who gave a small smile. 

"I wish I could wear dresses like you," the teacup sighed. I instantly felt remorse for the little cup. Who knew if it would ever get the chance to be human again? It didn't deserve this life, just because the beast couldn't help a woman out. 

"Maybe someday you will get the chance," I told the teacup, and it giggled at the thought. 

"Mademoiselle, when would you like to visit the ballroom?" the teacup asked, collecting her teacups around her. 

"I'm ready whenever you are ready. It is not like I have other plans," I laugh. 

"I will come by soon, then. I might get some of the other servants to join us, as well," she smiled, and with that she left the room. 

I went to the window and opened the blinds. I hadn't done that at all since I was stuck in the castle. I looked at the grounds, and sighed. There were worse places to be held prisoner. The grounds were gorgeous, and maybe, if I ever make friends with the monster, I will be allowed to walk around them. 

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