The Meetup

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Finally, it was time. You were going to meet up with Venti. You'd listen to 100 gecs with him.

You stood outside the front door, waiting for your potential lover. Alas! You spotted him!

"Y/N!!!!!!", he shouted with excitement.

"Y/N! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me! So, whaddya wanna do?"

You shrugged. You weren't really sure. But, then you got an idea.

"I've got some edibles in my backpack.. You wanna take em and go to the woods? Alt kids do drugs, right??", you asked.

He patted you on the back. "Well! I admire your commitment to being alternative. Sure, pass me one."

You took the baggie out of your back pack. You game him a gummie and swallowed the other. It was a bad idea to swallow it. You started choking. Venti laughed.

"Oh man.. You seem new to this, huh! Would've never expected that! Well, let's hope this trip is a good one.", he exclaimed, taking your hand and leading you to the nearby forest.

You followed him closely behind. This was.. exciting. You'd get to be alone with Venti.

Venti was looking down at his phone. He seemed to be messaging someone.

"Hey, Venti... Who are ya talkin to?", you asked, out of breath due to the walk.

"Oh, no one in particular y/n! Just a new friend of mine. His name's Xiao, you'd love em!"

You sighed. "Yeah, Xiao... great guy...."

Finally, you arrived at the forest. It was vaguely threatening. The trees were tall and lush, coloured an invigorating dark green. You couldn't help but stare. You'd only been here when you were a kid, and yet it was still so impressive.

Venti sat down on a rock. He tapped the area next to him, insinuating for you to sit next to him. You did.

"So... what do we do now? Film a tik tok?", you asked.

Venti pondered for a moment. He didn't have anything in mind, but eventually he came up with something.

"I know! You said you wanted to listen to 100 gecs right? We can do that!"

He plugged in his earbuds, and then proceeded to place one into your ear and the other into his. He put on the song "I Need Help Immediately". The song seemed to confuse him. It's beats and rhythm was unorthodox at best and repulsive at worst.

"Oh yeah! Never mentioned this to you, buuut I'm in Band!", he cheered.

That was unexpected. You never took him for a band kid.

"Oh nice. What instrument do you play?", you replied.

"Flute! I also know the Harp, the Lyre, aand my singing voice is just lovely!"

He looked so happy. You couldn't help but admire his cocky yet sweet smile. It was adorable.

"Can you sing for me, Venti?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to save that for some other time, y/n."

He winked at you. You snickered. This was nice.

Some time had passed at this point. It had been about two hours out in the woods. Venti eventually couldn't stand the music, and he turned it off. The edibles began to set in. Venti started rambling.

"I could really go for a pop tart right now y/n. Even if they had baby shit in them I'd still eat them. They're tasty."

You smiled. You hadn't seen him like this before.

"You know y/n... Xiao is kinda cute."

Venti x Reader (High School AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin