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Please don't mine my shizzy writing, it's just me being so done with all of the school works :D

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Please don't mine my shizzy writing, it's just me being so done with all of the school works :D

I'm so done that I'm too lazy to lie for the answers

So literally, the example in that activity in the module, is people.

The activity is about what new things that changed me/I learned and how I learned it OR who helped me learn it.

(The example in module is a Teacher and some people)

Yeah imma translate it and share it here because I really want to rant and get out of this place

1. Is... Intelligent? Well internet helped:D
2. Emotion? Physcology In internet helped! And the books that I read too!
3. Not judging someone? Well Harry Potter and certain people in houses helped me to not judge! gon be cOnFuSiOn-
What I'm saying is

Thanks internet and electronics and my friends from internet you guys helped me and taught me more important things even without knowing it,

You guys taught me more important things more than the school did-

I'm also posting it here because I'm sure I'm gonna get an low grade for my answers lmao-


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