rant because one of my teacher

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Is an arsehole

Dude remember the teacher who I said humiliated me?

Well guess what

He tried embarrasing me in front of my classmates

He thought he did sum-

But little did he know he's being a 🤡 right now-

Ok so I'm still not in his group but thanks to some of my classmates I can still know what's going on

So he asked my classmate, to ask me, if I'm still interested in his classes.

And I said yes.

(Because I need English)

Then what he said is

I have an attitude ?

Like boi-

I answered your question

He called me also a "Bully"

wOt? 🙃

Ok so he called me uncooperative, have an attitude (bad way 🙄), and a bully...

All that I don't care but calling me a bully? Umm are you ok sir?

The last time I checked, you're the one who humiliated me, the one who judge me? And yeah I'm uncooperative, but is it my fault I didn't want to work for you? Like...maybe check if there's a reason? There's many reason.

And the last time I checked I only asked (since he called me lazy...I mean I am but there's a reason) there's a reason I didn't want to work FOR you and I even said sorry if I turned out to be disrespectful even though I'm only defending myself.

And he also asked my classmates to counsel me for my attitude like sir, I didn't even disrespect you? I just said I don't want to be a class officer in your class (because he makes them works and with all of the homeworks the teachers are giving? Hecc nah) and I even asked PERMISSION to explain so I won't be disrespectful.

But guess what! I'm disrespectful and have an attitude.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh right now but...

believe me or not I have been counselled and I definitely didn't need my classmates to do so.... Like you want me to tell you a story how my parents beat me up if I did something wrong? Yeah definitely not.

Idk but...can you please stop?

I only want to learn even though you never teach and school sucks but making a small thing into big deal?


school is already hecc and you just have to make it worse

Please get me out of here

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