RANT AGAIN but me being dramatic

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Me after a stressful online class:

*Finally bout to eat and want to take a break*

My parents when I was in the middle of my eating:

*Compares me to my cousin*

Me outside: ......( '_' )

Me on inside: ( •́  ‿ ,•̀ )

Wow thank you! I definitely need that! Why don't you make the other child you compare us to, your faws king child then? Because it looks like everything I do is not enough. Woah! Talk about being ungrateful! You know talk about comparing, can I ask?

When did you heard me complain about you? Or your parenting ways? No!

Did you even hear me compare you with other nice parent, in front of you? And laugh about it? No!

Did you heard me ever wished that I have other parents instead of you, knowing you can hear it? No!

Wanna know why?

Well because unlike you! I care about your feelings! I care about people's feeling! I care about how even my SMALLEST words can hurt somebody.

But guess what! You're an adult! yOuRe definitely right! You're never wrong!

And fun fact! You didn't even know how much those words hurts me! Isn't that funny?
And if I did open up!
You're just making an excuse!
You're just being dramatic!

And if I did what you always do to me?

Have a bad attitude!
Then why don't you leave the house if so?!?!

It haven't happened yet but I can already see what I'm gonna be.

Well what a daw king way to start the year! And oh! What a way to help me in the start of the week where you know it's stressful.....oh wait! You don't even know how much this school drained and stressed me! Hah! All you care about is the number or grades in that paper!

And even if it's high for average grade? And you see other student's grade higher than me? Not enough?

Well why don't you do what I do?

Congratulations parents!

I do feel loved when you compare me to other and hurts my self-esteem!

Also I lost my appetite after you compare me to my cousin! Isn't that wonderful! And guess what? You didn't even get the idea that your words hurt me even living with me for years, who am I kidding?

You don't even know me at all!

Well maybe if you weren't so judgemental!

Just a tip tho!


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