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" Long ago my life wasn't perfect it wasn't even worse it was just.. normal. I only have 1 best friend and her name was Liya. She was the best friend I've ever had." 

"Wait what do you mean by WAS and Had those are past tense" Liu interrupted me. "LET ME FINISH!" I exclaimed. Liu stayed quiet as a sign to go on.

"She used to protect me from everything, especially Milly and her gang. Milly is a popular girl in school just because her father is the head principal of the school. So if we ever report her to the principal, he wouldn't believe me. But with Liya she always protects me, always telling Milly to back off. And in exchange, I will always help her with her assignments. everything was normal, Until 6 years ago." I said then thunder crashed. Miyo opened a window and scanned the sky. "That's weird it's not even raining," she said and went back to the couch.

"6 years ago the only thing I was least expecting to happen to her, she was kidnapped. Her mother just called us and we rushed to her house. We've hired polices, private detectives, we even ended up with the FBI's. But it seems like she just vanished with the air. I tried everything just to get my only friend back. I even spent all my money to print out missing posters around the city. 2 years passed we claimed that Liya was dead. Still looking for the body now. after Liya's "Death" My life at school was way more miserable than before. when 3 years later news that shattered my heart to pieces was shared. My father died due to a heart attack. The pain was unbearable. first my best friend now my father. I had 5 years of guilt and hatred in my life. Other than the bully, my life was also filled with other such as last year I had a car accident. It was lucky I was able to survive. I also burnt from hot water over my body. And just a month ago we were robbed. I was so depressed over the years I almost committed suicide I have a cut in my arm to prove it " I said but this time it felt a little lighter than I felt over the years.

The others were looking at me trembling even Kuga was scared! "Did that really happen to you?" Liu asked. I nodded in agreement.  " c'mon y/n you expect us to believe that I say it's all a lie" Lonky said. I stood up went closer to him and removed my gloves. they gasped at what they saw in my arm. 

There were a lot of cuts some were still fresh, which means it was still healing the others were dried out it was just a mark. I put my gloves back on and my hand on my hips. "Do you believe me now?" I asked. The others were just speechless. I chuckled a bit at their expression. 

"You know that's dangerous right?" Liu exclaimed. "I knew that that's why I stopped," I said. " Why?" Gai asked. I smiled a bit and faced them. "It's because of you guys," I said while smiling. "U-Us?" They all said in unison. "Yep you've had a great friendship and encouraged me to stop all the depression and start a new life," I said with a smile. The other running man players walked to me and hugged me all except Kuga. I gladly accepted the hug. "Thanks, guys even though we just met you already treat me like a real friend.

ok, That was a bit of tension if I do say so myself. if you're wondering how on earth I came up with this backstory I actually experience SOME of them. My best friend didn't die though she's still breathing and alive. but I didn't have a car accident I had a bike accident. I also NEVER committed suicide not even a single cut. the others that I have mentioned here are all in my life.

"Your skin is not paper, so don't cut it"

 "Your neck is not a coat, so don't hang it

 "Your Height is not a book, so don't judge it"

 "Your life is not a movie, so don't end it"

Mike Johnsons-

"True love begins with loving yourself"

 ‐Kim Namjoon 

 "Self-love is not selfish, it's important "

 ‐Jeon Jungkook

3 quotes in one story. Pls, take care of your self everyone.  

If I was in RMA (Liu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now