Chapter 21

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There were a few of our group members that were in bad shape. Percy probably wouldn't make it. He had suffered multiple wounds and was weakly hanging on. BriBry was limping and Patty wasn't fairing any better. Stormmie thankfully only had a small gash above her eye, though it hadn't stopped bleeding, and some deep cuts on her arm. I believe that if we cleaned them that the wounds would heal quite nicely. I didn't want to loose her.

I thankfully hadn't suffered any major wounds. The blood covering my clothes wasn't mine. I looked worse than I actually was. Blood was splattered on my face and gashes were ripped into my shirt. I had no cuts on my fair skin only huge dark bruises where I had fell. I would heal physically but mentally I wasn't so sure.

I killed a human being. I watched the light fade out of her eyes. I saw her dead body slump over. Her blood coated me. I was covered in the substance than flowed through her veins.

The others grouped together inside, waiting for something else to happen. We were going to be swarmed once again. I doubt that we will make it through another battle. If we must fight again we need a few moments to recoup.

"Cas. Where are you?" I called out. I needed him. I needed to know that he was okay. I heard his voice strain out "Over here". I limped to him, I think I may have twisted my ankle. "Are you okay?" I ask worriedly. "Yes." he replies, but I don't think that he is. He went through a lot and looks hurt. He could be lying to me, to spare my feelings.

His eyes flutter closed and my heart stops. He can't be gone. I need Cas. I fling myself on him, heart wrenching sobs escaping my mouth. He was supposed to stay with me. He was supposed to be my protector and he left me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I looked up. Sam was looking down at me, pity and amusement shone in his eyes. "He isn't dead Aspen." he said.

What? I saw his eyes shut and he stopped breathing. "He is an angel. He didn't die, his vessel just suffered an injury. Look he is waking up." Sam supplied answers. He was right. Cas' eyes opened slowly, and gazed into mine. He smiled slightly up at me, and my heart melted. He was okay.

"Hey. Why are you upset?" he questions. I chuckle at that, and reply "I thought you died.". Cas seems to find this hilarious. "Aspen, I am an angel of The Lord, it takes more than a mild beating to kill me." he says, while periodically laughing.

Our little moment is soon interrupted when a battle call sounds. The second wave of mutts is on is way. We must fight once more, but I don't know if we will survive this war.



Hey! This is a long-ish but short chapter. The story is almost over. There are not too many chapters left. I am so excited for the ending. Thank you all for reading this story and going on this journey with the two of us. It has all been greatly appreciated.


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