Chapter 25

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Athena stood in front of the table, leaving us in awe. She was magnificent. She blew my mind. I could barely fathom what was going on. Cas took my hand, which brought me back to reality. "We need you to save humanity." I catch Athena saying. Us save humanity? Is she kidding? How are we supposed to save humanity? What can we do?

"How are we supposed to help? Jason says. Tyler, the purple haired man, turns to Jason. "You are going to travel back in time and stop the games from happening." he answers. "Why us?" I ask. "You are the only ones that can. Aspen is pregnant with a nephilm, who causes this travesty. It is up to you to stop this from happening." Athena explains. My mouth drops open in shock. I am pregnant! My baby causes the hunger games, the event that terrified me since birth. "What am I supposed to do?" I ask, my voice cracking with the raw emotions rushing through me. "You must make a decision. Can you allow the child to live knowing what it will become, or do you have the heart to stop this atrocity?" Athena says. 

More people file in as the meeting goes on, but I can't concentrate on that knowing what I have growing inside of me. "This is the rest of the team who saved you." Tyler explains, pointing to the people standing in the background. I nod, unwilling to provide any other reaction. "I am Zeus, the one who brought this team together to both place you in the games and then rescue you. The world  is in need of your assitance. We need you to stop this abomination." this godly figure calls out.

"How can I stop this? How can I help? How do you expect me to make this decision?" I cry out, and drop onto the floor in a heap. My body shakes with the sobs that are bubbling out of me. I am having a breakdown, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. 

I feel a pair of hand, soothing me by rubbing my back comfortingly. I look up to meet Stormmie's eyes, that are full of pity and understanding. "I support your decision. What ever you want to do, I will stand by your side." She offers. I nod, and attempt to pull myself together enough to get through the rest of this meeting. Castiel comes to my other side offering what I need most, comfort. 

"You can choose to do mamy things. You can choose to kill your child for the sake of the human race, or you can go back in time and convince him to change his mind. Either way this has to be stopped. You will save the lifes of millions. We cannot allow this to continue. Something must be done." Athena answers. I thought that it couldn't be worse, but I was wrong. How could they even assume that killing my child was an option?

"I want to help, but there is no way that I can kill my baby." I whisper, too worn out to speak up, but my comment was heard fine. "Will you agree to the mission of saving humanity?" an older gentleman, that we came to know as Bobby, asks the one  question that I have been dreading. Am I prepared to do what has to be done to save the human race?

"What do you have planned?" I ask, trying to think logically. What do they expect us to do? "We will have Zeus transport you to wherever you belive will be best to go, in order to stop this monstrocity. We believe in your abilities and decisions. We believe that you will know exactly where to go in order to complete the mission." Tyler says. "Okay. I think that we may be able to help. I want ot save humanity but there is one thing that you should know, I want to protect my child. I will try to make things right, but if I can't I will be the one to make the decision on what to do with my child. No one else has the right to make that call. Is that understood?" I say, and for the first time since this meeting started the authority and confidence in my voice shone through. 


Not a Real Game only has one more chapter, the epilogue, left. So be prepared for that. I am so emotional right now, you all don't understand.


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