Chapter 30

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Olivia's P.O.V

After storming out of Harry's flat I was still furious. The nerve of him to think he could control me like that is beyond me and the fact that he thought I would be okay with it is even more absurd.

I can't leave London right now. It's my last few weeks with my family before I jet off to university somewhere.

Harry and I were cordial up until now, he is acting like a complete ass and I don't want to talk to him until he gets his head screwed on right.

Once I reach home I throw my car keys onto the kitchen countertop and snack on some pastries that looks delicious.

I scrolled through my email while eating because lately I had been getting lots of acceptance letters back from different universities I applied for.

I saw one in particular that I found an interest in but it was halfway across the globe in the US and I'm not sure if I can make that commitment to leave my home country yet.

Don't get me wrong I am a very independent soul and tend to stick to myself but just something about not being near home is a deal breaker.

I would have to think it over before I commit to one.

While debating heavily about my school choices I hear a car door close and open the garage door to see my mum coming home with a lot of grocery bags.

"Hey mum, need some help with the bags?" I start helping her regardless of if she needs it.

"I thought you were going to Harry's flat for the rest of the afternoon?" She seemed confused.

I wasn't sure how to reply to what she had just said so I figure now would be a good time as ever to let her know what is really going on between us.

"Well mum, I never told any of you guys this.....but Harry and I broke up. I just went there to clear up some things with him." It was half the truth and half a lie, we did break up and I did go to talk to him but it wasn't what she was thinking about.

"Aw Liv, I am sorry to hear that, you two were so adorable." She hugs me and a stray tear falls from my eye. I didn't mean to get choked up about it but the memory alone is enough to get me sentimental.

"It's okay I'm working on moving past it." I pick up the rest of the bags and we head inside.

My dad and brother aren't home which isn't a shock; Ryan is probably out with Anna and my dad works super late and crazy shifts.

"So how was gram?" I often worry about my grandmother because she lives alone and is old but my mom periodically checks on her to make sure she is doing well.

"She is good and Benny keeps her company so she'll be fine." Benny is my gram's cat.

"That's nice to hear, at least she's doing good." My mother nods and starts to unpack the bags.

I help her as well but my phone starts going off. I ignore it because whoever it is can wait.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" My mum point in the direction of my phone.

"Nope, whoever it is can wait I'm spending some time with you. I feel like it's been too long since we've talked." I genuinely feel this way but in reality it probably hasn't been that long, I've just got a lot on my mind.

We go back to packing and there is a comfortable silence that fills the room as we are putting away the rest of the groceries.

"So I was thinking tacos for dinner, is that cool with you?" My mom turns to me and asks.

"Tacos sound perfect right now." I smile then give her a peck on the cheek and make my way upstairs.

When I reach my room I pull out my phone and see who was calling me beforehand.

It was Harry. I was in no mood to deal with him right now. He was probably calling to apologize or get me to change my mind but I honestly don't want to hear what he has to say.

While I'm changing into my sweatpants and t-shirt, my phone rings again and at this point I just answer it so he will stop calling.

"What is it Harry." I am still upset and don't want this conversation to drag on longer than it has to.

"I am sorry for how things went down earlier. I didn't mean to control you like that, you know it comes from a good place." I believe him but I should be able to make decisions for myself he shouldn't be the one telling me what to do.

"I understand." I keep my response simple because I don't feel like talking with him right now.

"Please don't hate me, that's the last thing I need right now." He knows I can't stay mad at people for a long time, it's a weakness of mine.

"Okay fine but try not to be such an asshole next time, I actually enjoy your company sometimes." I blush at my words and don't say anything else.

"Trust me the feeling is mutual." He's so cheesy. I catch myself smiling at his response but quickly dismiss those feelings.

"I gotta go, but I'll text you or something." I respond.

"Please do, if you need anything or something happens you've got my number so don't be afraid to use it." It's nice knowing through all the shit we've encountered he was still there for me.

"Okay." I let out a sigh and hang up before we go back and forth trying to figure our who will have the last word in.

Despite Harry and I's complicated relationship wether it be friends or lovers we have each other's backs most times.

I throw my body back into my bed and look up at the ceiling.

I feel like time is getting ahead of me and I don't have time stop and think about myself or what I want. I'm always trying to make others happy.

Before I can continue thinking my mother calls me down for dinner.

I sprint down the stairs because I'm starving and make it to my dining room table in a timely manner.

I look around and realize it's only my mum and myself.

"Hey mum where are Dad and Ryan?" I say with food basically falling out of my mouth.

"Dad had to work late tonight but should be home soon and I believe Ryan said he took Anna out on a date tonight." She says wiping the corners of her mouth.

I finish eating and clear the table.

"You don't have to do that honey." My mum tries to stop me from clearing the table.

"It's fine mum you just made dinner relax." I continue taking the dishes into the kitchen and she smiles.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" My mum smiles and I put the rest of the dishes into the kitchen before giving her a big bear hug.


This was a shortish filler thing and I hate myself for it but I have 31 already finished so after I look through it I will post it later on in the week😊

Have a good day everyone! Comment some predictions it something idk lol


I love u all ❤️❤️

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