Chapter 21

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Harry's P.O.V

Talking to her first thing in the morning makes the start to my day a whole lot better.

I don't even remember what it was like to feel this comfortable with a girl before her.

I'm usually the type to sleep with a girl and go our separate ways the next day. I'm not really keen on how "relationships" work. But I am trying so I hope she can notice that.

Let's face it girls are pretty difficult but you gotta find one worth fighting for.

Later today we are suppose to be hanging out so that is something to look forward to but right now I have to talk with Liam about this all this other bs I have to deal with.

It never fucking ends.

"Hello." Liam says.

"Yeah Liam, hey it's Harry." I say letting out a breath.

"Oh hey mate what's up?"

"Nothing much lately. Any news with you about this whole Peter situation?" I say trying to find out more things to put an end to all of this.

"Not really he is still in the area but so far nothing has been said about him. The meeting is still on this Friday though." He says as he goes into detail about what we will be discussing and what our plan of action will be.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me I forgot about that. I will make sure I can attend." I say while getting out of bed.

"Okay good. Well I gotta go I'm suppose to be helping Zayn move out of his flat. Bye." He says before hanging up.

Now that that's all cleared up I can carry on with the rest of my day and make the best of it.

Olivia's P.O.V

By the time I reach home my brother and his girlfriend are cuddling on the couch watching a sappy love movie. I can tell it wasn't his pick.

I bring all the grocery bags into the kitchen, storing them into the desired cabinets and places before bringing my bag of crisps up to my bedroom.

As soon as I'm in my room I text Harry letting him know that he can come over now.

Within a few minutes I get a response saying he will be over in less than 5 minutes.

Accurate to what he said, five minutes later he texts me letting me know he is outside as oppose to ringing the doorbell and waking my brother and Lauren.

I run downstairs on the balls of my feet to make sure I don't make a lot of noise and quickly open the door.

The first things I notice are Harry's new facial piercings but I don't have enough time to form a proper reaction before he greets me with a tender kiss. I wrap my arms around his lower back and kiss as passionately back.

I back up and he closes the door behind him. We continue kissing until I hear my brother clear his throat from behind.

I mentally face palm myself and bite my bottom lip. Of course when Harry comes he decides to wake up. I swear he has a sixth sense.

"Always a pleasure to see you Harry." my brother says dryly with no feeling behind it. Harry looks like a deer in headlights and scratches the back of his neck.

"I like what you..a..did with your face, the whole piercing thing added a bit to your bad boy mentality. I gotta give you the props." He says smirking at himself. I'm annoyed with how he treats Harry as if he isn't worthy of his time.

"Ryan can you save it. We were just about to get out of you guys' hair; we are going up to my room now so no need to get worked up and be rude." I say grabbing Harry's hands in my own. They are so big and welcoming.

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