Chapter 32

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Harry's P.O.V

Once Niall left I called it a night and went to bed because I knew tomorrow would be emotionally draining.

I'm glad Niall and I were able come to meet at a mutual agreement and become somewhat of friends. Now we can work together and stop Peter as a united front.


When I woke up I made it a priority to call Olivia and see what would be a good time for her to hang out.

Of course all of my calls went to voicemail so I figured I will just show up at her house and talk to her forcibly.

Having Olivia be mad at me is tough but we really need to touch base on a few things going on.

I get in my truck and drive to her house. I see her car in the driveway so I know she is home wether she comes to open the door or not.

I had to admit I was nervous to ring the doorbell and see her again but something about her presence made it all go away.

The anticipation of her opening the door was making me anxious. When someone came to open the door it wasn't her, it was Ryan...the last person I wanted to see as of right now.

"What brings you here on the beautiful Wednesday?" He says sarcastically. I'm in no mood for his bullshit right now.

"Cut the crap Ryan. I am here to talk to Olivia." I walk inside but he puts his hand to my chest preventing me from going upstairs to her room.

"She's not home right now..." He is terrible at lying her car was in the driveway.

"I saw her car outside. This is very important, whatever problem you have with me is irrelevant right now." I am starting to get annoyed.

Just as we are about to start yelling back and forth I see Olivia show up at the top of the staircase.

"Finally...I have been meaning to talk to y-" I start walking towards the stairs and Ryan stops me again. I'm about to lose my temper with him.

"I don't think now would be a good time." Olivia sounds timid and distant.

"You heard her, she doesn't wanna be bothered with your right now." Ryan tugs on my shirt to pull me outside but I yank myself off of him.

"Please just give me 15 minutes then I will leave." I put my hands up in defense and wait for a response from her.

"Fine, come up to my room." She gives in and Ryan groans in annoyance.

One day he will just have to get use to me being around.

When I reach her room I get a feeling of nostalgia, just a few weeks ago we were all okay in this very room.

She sits on her bed and I pace the room back and forth.

"So what is it that was so important that you had to show up?" Her eyes meet mine.

"You didn't answer any of my texts or calls and I had to get ahold of you." I keep my voice low.

"Well excuse me for not wanting you to continue harassing me about leaving the city for the millionth time." She sighs and I know where she is coming from. I should have been less demanding in the way I asked her to go.

"I sincerely apologize but we have a new bigger problem on our hands."

"Our?" She looks at me confused.

"Yes. You are being watched." I didn't know how to lightly put it so I just dropped the bomb.

"What do you mean I'm being watched? By who? Peter?" I knew this would come as a shock to her.

"Yes...well indirectly. Your brother's girlfriend, Anna, has been watching you. She has been closely working with Peter giving him a location of where you've been and that's why he keeps showing up wherever you go." I keep my voice down in the case that Ryan is outside the room listening.

Olivia looks frazzled by this news. She keeps quiet and covers her face while sobbing quietly. I notice and sit next to her on the bed.

I hold her close to me and she cries into my chest. I rub her back and kiss the top of her head. All this drama with Peter would make anybody break at some point.

"I just don't understand why she would do this. She's known my family and I for so long." She mumbles into my chest.

"Money makes people do lots of crazy things." I try my best to soothe her.

We stay silently wrapped up with each other for a few moments then she speaks up again.

"How did you guys find out about her and more importantly how will I tell Ryan?" She sits up and turns to me wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Well...Niall is very good with technology so he offered his services and we gladly accepted. I know you're not a fan of this whole thing bu-" I start to ramble.

"No, I'm glad he helped out or else we wouldn't have known what we now know." I'm a little surprised she took that so easily because the last time she found out about someone in the group it was me and we broke up.

We stay quiet for a moment just embracing one another's presence.

"On the other hand, you don't have to tell Ryan until you're ready." I look at her thinking.

"I'll tell him soon because I know he would do the same for me." She rubs underneath her eyes and flashes a smile my way.

I stay quiet for a moment and smile back at her. She truly is a sight.

"Now do you know why I want you to leave London for a bit? I just can't have you caught in the line of fire." I hold her hand and rub it with my thumb.

She nods and a stray tear falls from her eye.

"You don't even have to go far just get away from here and live carefree. I don't want you to worry about if Peter will find you or if someone will take you away. " I can't even imagine the fear that she has felt these past weeks.

"I've got one thing that I want from you while your away....please don't move on. I know it's dumb or whatever but I still love you and it would break me if you were to move on already." I look up from my lap and her cheeks are pink. We both smile and she nods while wiping her tears once again.

"...Okay, since you ask one thing of me I need one promise from you." She looks at me with her hazel eyes and no matter what she says I will say yes.

"Try not to get hurt please, I know it's not up to you if you do or don't but please try not to get injured, I don't know what I'd do. I would probably go mad." She laughs at herself. I of course agree to her request, last thing I want is to get hurt or worry her.

As soon as we finish talking Ryan comes in (shocker) and says my 15 minutes are up. I don't bother arguing with him because I know he has the upper hand right now being that this is his house technically.

I walk over to Olivia and hug her with my arms around her waist and her arms around my neck.

She whispers in my ear, "Be careful please. I need you."

The feeling was definitely mutual.


Hello! I changed my icon and header thing on here and I feel like a changed person lol

Hope you all enjoyed! Have a great day ❤️

p.s. I enjoy reading your comments haha

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