𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ✰ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞

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«─── « ʚ ɞ » ───»
I wake up in a puddle of sweat,
'What the hell was that?' I think to myself.
I rub my eyes and jump out of bed.

"Y/n come down to eat!" I hear my mom say

"Give me a minute mom!" I respond

I walk over to my mirror and I look to myself
'Oh god I am so red' I think while touching my cheeks with my cold hands.
I open my closet
Today my options are:

«─── « ʚ ɞ » ───»
(Pick one idk)

•Light blue oversized T-shirt with black leggings;

•Gray turtleneck and black leggings;

•Dark blue sweater with collared shirt and black jeans;

«─── « ʚ ɞ » ───»

After I'm done getting ready I run downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetie" my mom greets me

"Morning, mom" I reply

"How'd you sleep?" she asks

'Shit, should i tell her? No I can't, she doesn't even know who Tommy is'

"Pretty good" I mutter

I grabbed a plate and put two pieces of french toast on it

"Where were you yesterday? You were gone all day" I ask her

"Ah, I was at the mall, when I came back i heard you talking to some people, did you find new friends?" She responds with a smile

"Oh, Yeah! Remember that Dream guy? He asked me if i wanted to join his minecraft server!" I reply excitedly

"That's amazing! Also.. For the past couple days I've been noticing that you don't eat anything except for breakfast when I call you down.. Is everything alright?" She asks as her tone goes from happy to a worried, serious tone.

"It's not like i'm trying to starve myself, I just don't go downstairs that often so I forget, I'll try to eat more, I promise" I respond

"Y/n, You know how much I care about your health, please eat, at least some fruit" She says

Then I finish eating and I put my plate into the dishwasher , I run upstairs and close my door.
I sit at my desk and turn on the computer
'Hmm.. I should stream and play in the Dream SMP today" I think

«─── « ʚ Time Skip ɞ » ───»

After hours of watching youtube videos I look at the time that says '2:58 pm'
I open Twitch and prepare to stream, I launch minecraft and wait for it to open
I then set up my camera and press 'go live'
I put up the waiting screen and wait for some people to join,
surprisingly 10,000+ people joined!
After two minutes I put down the waiting screen

"What's up chat!" I say with excitement

TurquoiseIce: HEYYY
St4rii: WOOO

PAUSED | • Virtual Love [TommyInnit x Reader] •Where stories live. Discover now