Chapter Five - Mornings and sibling stuff

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Being honest, you had no idea what you were doing. Papyrus had given you his number, but that didn't mean you had a right to text him whenever the hell you wanted.

That's kind of the point of texting :/ It's not like it's the middle of the night-

It was currently Monday and you were contemplating whether or not to text Papyrus, as you wanted to ask if he would like to walk to school with you. But then you remembered that you didn't even know if he would be attending the same school as you, or if he would be attending physical school at all.

You took a deep breath in, your heart racing.What would you even say? What would you begin with? What if you made a mistake? What if it was a stupid one? What if you made a stupid mistake? One you could never take back?

Well, not if you get rid of that attitude! Just tell him hi or something if you're that worried :/ It's the safest bet.

You sighed. You might as well get this over with. What's the worst you could say? Cringing, you decided not to ponder on that subject for much longer, turning back to your phone once again. You hated this. The beginnings of getting to know someone, the beginnings of trying to get into the flow of conversation. At least until you could get more comfortable talking to him, you would have to walk on eggshells. Until you could see what you should avoid.

Text Mode, Activated!


Hey Papyrus! Good morning

Skeletor >:D:

heya kid

Skeletor >:D:

morning to you too

Skeletor >:D:

Did ya need something?


I wanted to ask where you guys would be going to school? There are like 3 different schools and this area and I wanted to know if we would be attending the same one

- It took a good few minutes to find the words to put together to make that sentence. Then another few to actually get the courage to send it you loser -

You coughed, trying to get over the embarrassing amount of time it took to respond to him.

Skeletor >:D:

me and sans are gonna be going to (y/s/n)

Skeletor >:D:



Me too!

- Wow you sounded way too excited creep -


You weren't sure whether or not you should ask him to walk with you. You didn't want to seem too eager or clingy or obsessed :/ You sighed, deciding you were overthinking it. You tended to use exclamation points when texting new people a bit too much. Whatever. In the end you decided not to ask him. Maybe some other time. You didn't want to overwhelm i'm with the sheer force that would be your friendship skills

- Or your awkwardness skills weirdo >:] -


I gotta go, but I'll see you at school!<


I gotta go, but I'll see yo<


I gotta go get ready


I'll see you at school?

Skeletor >:D:

see ya

Text Mode, Over!

You sighed holding your phone against our chest. You really don't want to go to school today. Or ever. But alas, you needed to fill that brain of yours with knowledge, useless or not. It sucked. Getting up you headed to the bathroom, pausing when you saw your brother knocking on the door really hard. You weren't sure what to do so you kinda just, stood... there. After a few beats of silence he huffed and began to head back to his room. Cautiously you approached the bathroom. You laid your palm flat on it when it creaked open. You locked eyes with your sister who slowly walked out of the bathroom.

She yelped when your brother turned around sharply, making eye contact with her. She shoved you into the bathroom in a blind moment of panic as he ran towards the both of you, wanting to piss him off and mess with him a little. You went along with it, shutting the door and locking it just as your brother crashed into it. You could hear your sister who was already on the other side of the hallway, trying to get to her room before your brother got to her.

Hearing the slam of her door, you let out a breath at the fact you wouldn't have to stop them from giving each other bruises that wouldn't go unnoticed by your parents. You were both laughing behind your closed doors, amused at the frustrated curses of your brother as he angrily stomped back to his room.

You relaxed slightly, leaning against the door as you felt your heartbeat calm down again. You began to get ready, doing everything you needed to in order to get ready.

Once you got out you headed back to your room, where you found your sister sitting on your bed scrolling idley through her phone. She glanced up at you for a second, acknowledging your presence before she went back to her phone. She began to talk about whatever was on it as you changed into different clothes. You humored her sometimes, and sometimes you cut in, but you mostly just made small noises acknowledging what she was saying, which was enough for her.

When you were finally ready, you moved in front of her on your bed, reaching over her to grab your backpack from the little space between your bed and desk without hitting her legs which were dangling off of it. She finally sat up, asking if you were ready as you set the bag down, grabbing your hoodie and a few folders from your chair and desk before turning back to her.

You nodded, and she began to gather her stuff as you shoved the folder into your backpack, throwing on your hoodie half haphazardly and swinging your backpack over your shoulders.As you both made your way out you realized your brother wasn't there to meet you. You looked at your sister curiously and she just shrugged. You sighed, not wanting to be late again.


Leaving the house your sister began chatting about nothing in particular. Your brother wasn't there because you and your sister had informed him he had 5 minutes to get ready or you were leaving without him, a deadline he failed to meet. You and your sister had no problem leaving him, as he was a big boy and could get to school on his own. Your family had recently moved, and now the school was only a little bit away from your house letting you walk to school, which was something you had no problem doing.

You looked up, slightly surprised to hear the buzz of your phone, signifying you got a text. Did your parents want something? Opening the app you realized it was from Papyrus, and you couldn't help the small smile that crossed your face from pleasant surprise. Something your sister noticed immediately. You sighed, dreading the following conversation.


Here ya go!

Storyline Word Count: 1164 words

Date Published: 01/17/21

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