Chapter Three - Rude

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He was about to respond when you heard your mom.


"(N/n)? What happened here? Who are these people?," she asked. "This is Sans and Papyrus. They're our neighbors," you said, shrugging when she looked at you, an expectant look on her face. You hadn't answered her other question. Sans spoke up.

"It's my fault, miss! I was sparring with my friend Alphys when one of my attacks went off course and knocked the box out of her hands. We're helping her clean up!," he said, an apologetic smile on his face. Your mom smiled. You could tell she was already beginning to like him. "We're sorry for making the mess!," he said and your mom just smiled, letting out a small smile. "Don't worry about it."

Your mom was accustomed to seeing monsters at her work place, so she didn't mind them unlike your brother. "Well, thank you for helping them," she said to the two skeletons. She turned to you. "Hurry up so you can help with dinner kid, ok?," She asked. "Ok mom," you said, glancing as she went into the house.

Turning back to the two skeletons you asked, "How old are you two?" Their answers came without hesitation. Sans was a year, maybe two younger than you while papyrus had turned a year older than you about a week ago. You saw your mom peek outside so you spoke up. "Mom, can we invite them for dinner sometime?," you asked just as your brother came back outside.

"No!," your brother said. "Don't be rude (B/n). Of course (Y/n), just ask when," she said, stepping back inside once you nodded. (B/n) was going to follow her but your mom turned to him. "(B/n), stay outside and watch your sibling please?," she asked. He groaned but agreed in the end. She smiled, ruffling his hair as she went inside.

The three of you finished cleaning, without the help of (B/n). You stood up and dusted of your clothes out of habit as sans picked up your box. "Here you go (Y/n)!," Sans said enthusiastically, making you chuckle. "My hero, how can I possibly repay you for this act of heroism," you said, a joking tone in your voice when you said that. Papyrus rolled his eyes, and Sans blushed, but laughed regardless. "Mweh heh! It was really no problem human!," he said.

He handed you the boxes. "Thanks for being so helpful," you told the two, adjusting your grip on the large box. "For monsters," your brother said, walking up to you. You sighed, irritated. "Shut up, will you? You're so annoying," you said. "And you're a f*ing idiot" he retaliated. "I know," you shrugged, a smile coming across your face when he didn't know how to respond. You dropped the box in his hand, crossing your arms.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and take this inside. I'm gonna talk to them 'bout what I asked mom." He was about to protest but you cut him off. "Why-," "Or I'm telling mom you swore at me," you said. He rolled his eyes, turning around. "Whatever."

Papyrus had been strangely silent as he watched the two of you interact. You turned back to Papyrus and Sans.

"Any-ways, I wanted to ask if the two of you would like to come by sometime and have dinner with me and my family. Y'know as a thanks, and welcome to the neighborhood thing," you said. You managed to keep your voice calm thus far, with the exception of how it would get a bit tighter at the end of some sentences, but that happened when talking with people in general. You found that despite your nervousness of embarrassing yourself in front of two people you admired, it was strangely easy to talk to these two. Maybe it was because you felt you already knew them. But it was more likely because this anxiety was lessened when you remembered they were two regular people, like you. Except, y'know magic. That just reduced your anxiety to a, "Lord help I don't embarrass myself in front two people who could possibly be living next door to me for the next few years."

"Of course Human! We would love to! When should we stop by?," Sans asked. Papyrus just nodded, a small hum coming from him. You thought for a moment. "Would Saturday at maybe 6:00 be good?," you asked. "Yes! That would work perfectly!," Sans said excitedly, his white eyelights becoming star shaped. You smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Sans! Are we gonna finish sparring or what?!," a voice called out.


Here ya go

One more chapter and we can begin to get into the story, don't worry

Storyline Word Count: 764 words

Date Published: 11/28/20

More Than a Video Game (Underswap) (Undertale) (Swap!Papyrus x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu