Chapter One - Prologue

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You sigh, getting out of the car your parents owned with a few boxes in your arms. You walked onto the sidewalk in front of your house, contemplating whether leaning against the fence would turn into a waste of time. You patiently awaited the rest of your family, prompting to stare into space and getting lost in your thoughts. Your mind was filled with memories of recent events, news, broadcast about the recently freed monsters that was plaguing the internet and taking social media (and society) by storm.

Every time you went online, all you saw were news and debates about the monsters, especially conversations laced in awe and confusion about the fact history seems to have no remembrance of the magical beings. There was also the fact that a girl made the fan made alternate universe, "UnderSwap," based on the video game UnderTale, originally by Toby Fox. That must've been one hell of a conversation between the two creators.

People are still debating how on earth one person managed to somehow think it up, especially getting all the characters down, from their personalities, to the outfits without even knowing that this alternate universe of a video game was in fact factual. She, along with Toby Fox, have been questioned over and over, yet it still remains a mystery.

When you first heard about this you thought it was some joke video on the internet that your parents had played accidently. Then you realized they were watching the news. This made you choke on the water you had been drinking, your mind becoming a whirlwind of thoughts. You could still barely believe that that was happening.

You had been so lost in thought for a while, you hadn't even noticed the two skeletons that had arrived at the house beside yours. Your old neighbor had moved out, which was fine by you, it's not like you were friends, you didn't really know them. But you haven't even seen your new neighbors yet, which you found strange. You never really paid attention to stuff that didn't concern you, but you couldn't help but notice the entire house had been painted a brown color, in place of the red it previously held. Now it looked like an actual cabin, but you found it strange the entire thing had been painted while you were at school.

Your mind continued to linger on the subject of UnderTale and it's swapped counterpart, when suddenly something was shot at your box, knocking it out of your hands. Even if it hadn't it probably would've caused you to drop it out of surprise. Upon closer inspection, you realized a bone had been shot at you. Well not at you, it pierced the box, missing you by a few. It took you a few seconds to register what happened, your arms still in the air, but when you did you let them fall limply out of your hands.

You took a deep breath in, mouthing the word, "nice," to yourself as you stepped forward to gather your stuff. Suddenly, a tall guy in an orange hoodie appeared in front of you. It was so sudden, it seemed as though he just popped into existence. You obviously didn't expect this, as emphasized by the tiny yelp you let out as you fell from your crouch position, peering up at this stranger.

Your glasses (real, fake, doesn't matter in the long run) had been knocked askew on your face from the sudden impact of falling backwards. You dropped your gaze, sitting silently as you contemplated your existence for a few seconds. The figure knelt down in front of you, since you were still on the ground and he was still super tall.

"Well kid, I guess you've fallen for me, huh?," he said, a lopsided smile on his face. You couldn't but crack a smile as you adjusted yourself so your arms weren't carrying all of your upper body weight. Then you realized just who you were talking to.

None other than Papyrus the skeleton himself.


I know it's not sunday, sue me I wanted to get this out before I run out of creative juices again.

Also! I maybe, kinda need an editor? To assist with grammar and spelling mistakes and such. It'd be a great help, so, if there's anyone who would like to help that'd be great!

Storyline Word Count: 675 words

Date Published: 11/12/20

More Than a Video Game (Underswap) (Undertale) (Swap!Papyrus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now