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"Chief, you don't look very well."

"I'm fine."

"Maybe you should let Kya take a look at you just to be sure."

"I said I'm fine. Besides, she's visiting her mother this week in the South Pole."

Lin went to stand but quickly sat back down as a wave of dizziness caused her vision to go dark. Mako stepped all the way into her office and closed the door behind him. There had been a bad strain of flu going around Republic City for the last month. It was highly contagious and several officers were already out on sick leave because of it.

"I hope I'm not overstepping, Chief, but you really should go home. You don't want the others to see you look weak, do you?"

He knew it was a low blow to push at someone's insecurities but he also knew how stubborn the chief of police was. She rubbed at her temples before sagging back in her chair to look at him.

"You may have a point."

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't surprised she didn't put up more a fight. She must really not feel well. He watched as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before fixing her face with her usual steely glare and pushing herself up from her desk. Once again her strength and resilience inspired him as he watched her walk past him and out the door as if she was completely fine.

"I'm taking the next couple days off, I expect you all to keep the city standing while I'm gone."

She offered no explanation and no one asked for one before she turned and left the station.

Mako walked back to his desk and eyed his phone. He really shouldn't but he knew his boss and knew getting her to leave the station didn't mean she'd actually see a healer. She'd rather suffer than ask for help.

He shouldn't.


Lin barely made through the door of her apartment before she nearly collapsed from exhaustion. She bent her armor off, leaving it in the doorway before stumbling to the couch and laying on it, sleep coming almost immediately.

The next day she somehow felt worse. She didn't get up from the couch all day. The phone rang a couple times before she disconnected it, ripping the wiring from the wall with her bending. Her head pounded at every noise and she had no energy to do anything more than sleep.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep when she heard a noise. Cracking open an eye she tried to feel with her seismic sense but couldn't. After a moment a familiar waterbender appeared in the doorway, her hands on her hips in both concern and exasperation.

Lin tried to sit up but failed, falling back with a groan, crossing her arm over her face.

"What are you doing home early?"

"Well, I got a tip that the chief of police was sick and too stubborn to ask anyone for help. And since I've chosen to love that same chief of police, for some reason, I thought I'd come home and make sure you were still alive."

"Who called- the kid."

Kya walked over to the couch and put her hand on Lin's forehead.

"You're burning up, Lin."

"I'm fine."

Kya rolled her eyes. She stood back up, kissing Lin's forehead before looking around the apartment.

"I'm going to run out for some soup and supplies. I promise I'll be back soon."

Lin didn't say anything as Kya grabbed her bag and headed for the door.


"Yes, dear?"

"If you see Mako tell him I'm gonna kill him."

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