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Third POV
*Knock knock knock knock*

Onslaught:........come in...

The door opens to reveal both RWBY and JNPR, and 7 of the 8 minicons. Before them is the sight of Vortex and Brawl tinkering with the weapons, Blast Off checking vitals of the still unconscious Bombshell, Onslaught sitting in a makeshift table with his face in his hands, and Swindle tinkering with a stolen microwave trying to heat up his plate of pizza rolls...

Ruby: We wanted to know if you were comfortable with explaining what just happened in the field trip.....

Onslaught: After what just happened, there's no way around it, I already informed Ozpin of my suspicions, it was only inevitable that I would have to share them with you...

Jaune: W-who was that? Why did he take Jetstorm...?

Onslaught: Well I can't really tell you that, because I don't really know myself, but I can tell you what I am suspicious of, they may lead closer to why your minicon was taken. So take a seat somewhere, I hope you don't mind the smell of pizza rolls because that's all Swindle is eating right now.

Swindle: Can't judge it until you try it!

The students took their seats on random boxes, Jaune was exceptionally torn from the Forever Fall Forest incident, he was blaming himself for focusing so much attention to Cardin to the point where he couldn't properly protect Jetstorm. But his friends refuses to see it that way.

Onslaught: Hurrrrrrr..... ok! Explaining everything from the beginning, Pyrrha and Blake, I believe you already have an idea about what this. Given what you saw a few weeks ago.

Weiss: Wait..... you two knew about this? Why didn't you tell us?

Onslaught: Because I told them not to, it's bad enough that the presence of another cybertronian made itself known to a small class. What do you think will happen when everyone at school hears word of a potential alien invasion? They would freak out and that's when the Grimm starts coming.

Weiss: Fair point, but why keep the rest of us in the dark?

Onslaught: To try and make it harder for the enemy to attack the minicons, it was clear that they didn't want to be known, so leaving the minicons in the care of oblivious teenagers in a public sounds like the perfect protection they would need. That is until one of them decided to drop in and snag one of them in public eye without a care in the world.

Jaune:.......It's my fault-

Onslaught: No Jaune, no it isn't.

Jaune: But it's true, I was the one who skipped out on the meeting the other week, I'm the one who was blowing you off when you were trying to warn me, all because I was trying to save my own skin. And now, Jetstorm's gone because of me....

Onslaught: Jaune, do you understand that what happened could have literally happened to anyone else in this room. I know you feel guilty about the last few weeks of kissing Cardin's ass, but none of that had anything to do with Jetstorm's abduction. We'll get him back, we just need find out more about these guys.

Blast Off: so you're finally awake!

The group turned to Blast Off's direction and see the strapped down Bombshell starting to stir.

Onslaught: You eight stay here and keep your distance. We don't want to try anything funny with you, Vortex! Brawl! Our guest is awake! Swindle, stop messing with the microwave and get over here!

Vortex: Here comes the fun part... >:)

Brawl: hopefully I won't have to shake him too hard... >:)

Combaticons in Remnant Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora