Getting Ready

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There was a very tall pillar situated in a village in Canada. No one knew who built it but everyone in the village wanted to see what was on top of it. They tried climbing it, reaching the top with a long stick, or even building the tallest building in the world. But everyone who ever tried ended up dead or missing.

There lived a 10-year-old boy named Chris Tremblay. He lived in a poor family. He did nothing but dream about what would be on top of the pillar. Would there be a magic lamp with a genie inside or will there be a portal to an alternate world? He always imagined what it would be like to be the first person to climb it and see what was on the top.

His imagination affected his studies. He would never pay attention in class and all he would do was daydream about the pillar. Sometimes, he would be so lost in thought that the teacher would call his name 10 times and he wouldn't even listen. He ended up getting punished by his teachers a lot. He would even get bullied in class. Everyone would tease him bragging about their grades, reminding him he was no good at studies. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he just couldn't. The Pillar was literally the first thing he saw through the window in front of him. He couldn't even concentrate while studying at home either. His mom was always too busy to help him. His dad left them a long time ago.

He had taken an exam last week. After he got his graded exam sheet, he decided, This is the last time I'm getting a 'D'. I'm going to climb that pillar and see what is on top so I can concentrate more on my studies. I'm going to do it at midnight.

It was midnight. Chris was very scared. He started packing his bag." Let's see.. a water bottle, some food, clothes, I think I'm good now.", he talked to himself. He had also written a note to his mother...

Dear Mom,

I can't take it anymore with the teasing and bad grades. So I decided to finally achieve my dream by climbing the Pillar and cure my longingness for it. Be back later! Love you.


"Okay! Let's do this!"

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