Withering Forest

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Chris was extremely afraid and for the first time ever, he was scared of the Pillar. He bought 4 suction cups and glued 2 of them on his shoes and 2 on his gloves. He slowly walked towards the Pillar.

With his heart beating rapidly, he set his right hand on the Pillar. He started climbing it inhumanely fast, eager to reach the top. "Wow! This is easy. I wonder why nobody could reach the top.", he thought. He started climbing faster and faster. "I'm going to stop for a while and take a look at the beautiful view.", he thought to himself. He was just above the clouds so he could see the blue sky faded below them. He looked down and saw the mountains. They looked like tiny little brown and green party hats. "Wow!" he said to himself. "I never knew that the pillar was so tall! I pity all the people who died before seeing this." After some time, he reached the top. But still, the Pillar would be too short for anyone to die easily if a child like me were able to climb so easily he thought. He pushed it away and enjoyed the view. He stood on the surface and looked around him. He was completely astonished by what he saw.
He felt like the sun was right above him. He had never been happier to just look at something. When he was looking at the sky, he felt the wind get blocked behind him.

He turned around to see metal doors, slowly opening. When the doors opened, they were pitch black. Chris didn't want to go inside, but his curiosity disobeyed him. He went down steps going deeper and deeper and deeper when suddenly, a bright light shone over him. He walked slowly towards the direction of the light. He scanned the place he landed in. In front of him, was a place filled with greenery, happy birds chirping and flying happily in the sky, and tall trees swaying with the wind. This scene made Chris feel nothing but happy. He walked towards a tree and plucked an apple from it. The apple, as soon as it was touched, turned purple and withered to only the core being left. Chris stared at the apple in awe. Then he touched the tree. It withered away. He touched a leaf from a bush. It dried up. He slowly stepped back, being careful not to touch anything, and just enjoy the view. But his gut told him to move forward. He reluctantly went forward, avoiding touching anything. He went on and on until it was night and he dozed off.

He woke up to the screams of a man in shock.
"Hey Woah, what's going on here? Stop fighting!" One of the guys had a cut on his forehead, which was bleeding very fast. The other guy had a purple bandana tied around his head, he looked bloodthirsty to Chris. They both wore weird rags. The guy with the purple bandana looked at Chris with absolute hatred. They both stared at him, confused.

"Why would you want me not to kill him? He was trying to steal from you!" The guy with the bleeding slit said.

"Oh please, you have no idea what this kid is worth! Just look at his bags." said the guy with the bandana. And he gave Chris another look of hatred.

"Wait, who are you guys?" Chris asked them.

"I am Ronald Downing." said the guy with the bleeding slit.

"Why should I tell you weak little punk who I am?" Screamed the guy with the bandana.

"Fine, then I'll call you 'bandana guy' cause of your bandana. Or would you prefer 'purple dude?" Chris said, giggling. Ronald joined his laughter. And they slowly started laughing hard. From his expression, it was said that the bandana guy was not pleased.

His eyes turned red.

Chris couldn't help but look away from the bandana guy's stare. It would've vaporized him. Ronald didn't seem to be fazed that he almost got vaporized.

Then the bandana guy charged towards Chris.

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