Chapter 17

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I listened to the soft pitter-patter of the rain on my window, laying down on my warm comfy bed, my thoughts full of Jeffrey and our "date". The rain stopped shortly after it began and I knew it was the last drizzle before the leaves would all disappear to make way for winter. I smiled and drifted off to dreams of snowy moments with my Jeffrey when an alien sound brought me back to full consciousness. It sounded like someone was throwing stones at my window.

I got out of bed and padded to my window to peer outside cautiously. Jeffrey was there on the ground, looking up at me hopefully. "Jo?" He asked in a stage whisper.

I opened the window and worried at the urgency I saw on his face, "Jeff? What are you doing here? I thought you'd gone home."

"Thank God you're still awake. Listen, I'm sorry to bother you but I really, really need your help."

I was getting more worried with each word, "Jeff, are you in trouble again?"

"No, it's not that big a deal. I just need more of your Miracle Cleaner," he replied.

"Oh, okay," I relaxed. "What happened?"

He mumbled something unintelligible and I had to ask him to repeat it, leaning out the window to hear him. Finally, he confessed, his face blushing in embarrassment, "I was jumping for joy on my porch and tripped on a puddle and fell onto the muddy grass can guess the rest."

I burst out laughing, "you were prancing on your front porch in the middle of the night?" The image of my Jeffrey doing that was just too funny for words and I collapsed in giggles.

He looked up at me pleadingly, "c'mon, Jo. I wasn't...I'm in a tight spot here. I need your help. Like, now!"

I smiled at the love of my life, shaking my head, and said, "for you, Jeffrey Larkin, anytime!"

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