Chapter 7

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How in the world was I ever going to live through this night? I thought to myself as Mari and I made our way through the crowds in the mall. Since I was finished with my experiment, we skedaddled to catch up on the trivia contest and watch (sigh sigh) Scott Elliot.

"I still can't believe my mom is so keen on sending me to an early grave when I'm still so young. How about going with Ben in my place? Pay you fifty bucks?" I asked Mari hopefully.

She smiled, "sorry, Josie. You're my friend and all, but after the way you described him, I don't think he and I would get along any better. He should go out with Joan."

I sighed, "I know. But Joan insists she's interested in someone in school though. Anyway, I know you can't go out because you've got that hunky Kevin Richards asking you out!"

Mari grinned dreamily, "isn't Kev the best?" Kevin Richards was the heartthrob of the basketball team and he just asked Mari for a date yesterday. They were going out tonight too. And he was a really cool guy. Mari was lucky.

"Do you think Kennedy High will win this contest?" I asked to change the subject.

Mari shrugged, "we've got a good chance. Scott's pretty good."

We reached the fifth floor and scanned the crowd forming in front of the platform on the center of the entire floor. About a dozen students from all schools in the state were seated far apart on the stage with a small desk before each of them, Scott Elliot right smack in the middle seat, looking as breathtaking as ever in a green polo shirt and jeans, his forehead creased in concentration as he pondered his answer. The announcer stood on one side at the podium, clutching a sheaf of index cards containing questions. Supporters from different schools waved pennants and cheered as if this were a football game. The only thing missing were the cheerleaders in their short skirts shaking pompoms.

"Let's get closer so we can sit on some of the tables near the stage," I suggested.

Mari nodded, "yeah. Hey, maybe we can spot Ben somewhere. Talbot High's in the contest."

I scowled, "way to ruin it for me, Mari. And trust me. Don't get too excited, he's so not worth it."

"Hey, there's an empty table there on the left, with three seats. Snag it!"

I quickly wove my way through the crowds and reached it before anyone else could. Collapsing on the seat, I breathed a sigh of relief and found myself face-to-face with someone vaguely familiar, wearing a Lincoln High blazer. Then it hit me like a bucket of cold water on my face.

"YOU!" We both yelled at the same time. I couldn't believe my rotten luck. It was the big jerk from Ruby's Gems!

I was not in the mood to deal with him, of all people. I frostily said, "I think you'd better leave. I found this table first and I am very tired."

"No, I found it first," the idiot dared to say.

"Boy, you sure move fast, Josie! I... Oh! Hello," Mari reached my side and politely smiled at the moron, who still hadn't budged. Then she shot me a quick what's-going-on look.

The guy stood up, "hi. Excuse me, but I was trying to convince your friend here that I'd found this table even before she did, but she won't listen to me."

"Oh, I see," Mari said.

I snapped, "no, Mari, he doesn't see. We found this table first and we're not giving it up to anyone."

"I really don't want to fight over this, Josie," the guy said quietly.

"How did you know my name?" I asked suspiciously. Was he a stalker as well as a creep too?

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