Chapter 13

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"It was nice of those people to give us some of their extra clothes," I remarked as I rolled up the long sleeves of the red and white plaid shirt I was now wearing, with jeans that thankfully fit me. We'd stopped a couple who were playing golf where the laundry room was and they were decent enough to offer us a change of clothes to wear.

Jeffrey frowned, "you're fortunate that woman was just about your size. This guy must be three times my size!"

I looked at the baggy pants he had on and laughed, "beggars can't be choosers, Larkin."

"Brendan, you must have been born in a field of four leaf clovers," he chuckled.

I pushed off from the chair I was perched on and picked up my soggy dress. Jeffrey glanced at me and repeated, "I really meant what I said before, Jo. I'll buy you a new dress to replace that."

I snorted, "and I meant what I said to you to forget it. Honestly, the guy who invented this horror wouldn't dare make another one like it. He'd be better off as a plumber than a designer." I rolled up the dress and put it in a plastic bag to show my mom later that it was "irreparable."

"What are you going to tell your mom about it?"

"That I accidentally tore it when it got snagged somewhere. She can see for herself anyway. Then I will ceremoniously dump it into the trash can with a flourish," I flashed him a victorious grin and sat back on my chair.

He moved his stool closer to me, sitting on it, "you're positively sure your Miracle Cleaner works?"

I answered seriously, "well, I can't say I'm positively sure, Jeff. Sometimes the clothes come out with even more stains and grime on them than before."

Jeffrey swatted my arm and I laughed. He caught my hand and held it, and I shivered slightly at his touch and cleared my throat, "honestly, you don't trust me enough. I gave you my word, and my reputation as a chemist is at stake here. Miracle Cleaner has never let me down before."

He nodded, "I guess I'm just scared that my dad will skin me alive and ask questions later. He needs those pants by tomorrow afternoon."

I glanced at him, "Krystin must be really special for you to risk your dad's wrath."

"It wasn't my idea, believe me," Jeffrey frowned, squeezing my hand. "My friend Mike thinks so but I don't like her all that much. She's definitely not my type."

I didn't know why, but I was really relieved to hear that. I looked down at my fortunately waterproof watch and said, "your slacks should be done in twenty minutes."

He ran a hand through his damp hair, "great."

We sat like that in companionable silence. I didn't know if he was as aware as I was that he was still holding my hand, but I wasn't complaining. Suddenly, he grimaced and looked down at our joined hands. I followed his gaze quickly and gave a cry of surprise when I saw a bruise on his knuckles.

"Jeff, you're hurt," I said in concern, turning his hand over to examine it better.

"I think it was when I punched Cooper," he said quietly, wincing slightly at the pain.

I felt my heart flood with warmth. He'd done that to make up for what they did to me. I slowly touched the bruise, "I'm so sorry you had to go and protect me like that."

"Hey, no big deal. You're definitely worth protecting," he whispered.

"Still, not many guys would have been brave enough to do what you did. I'm so glad you're the one I'm with," I said, looking up at him.

The Night I Fell In LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora