Ch1: the secret but not so secret studio

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Finally school ended and stiles rose up from his warm and hard chair. God he hated sitting in that chair for the whole day. It was so uncomfortable.

He walked down the hallway seeing all kinds of people, teenagers, teachers, parents going for parent meetings, blondes, brunettes, every hair color you can imagine, everyone. With different personalities. Incredible isn't? That no matter how much you try you will never find a person with the exact same personality as you.

He sees the pack but hasn't got the time to say hi and goodbye. Luckily for him the pack didn't see him. As always.

You see stiles thinks the whole pack ignores him on purpose and hates him. That he isn't worth anything with them. He is just human. He is just human in among werewolfs. Of course he sees it that way.

But the pack don't.

The pack love him. He's the glue in the pack. He's the mom that yells at you to clean your room, he makes dinner, and he will do anything for the pack and the pack will do anything for him.

They loved his hazel, dreamy eyes. They loved his cheerful smile, always up to get someone's mood on top. They loved the spaz. They loved the boy who was loved. They loved the brunette. They loved stiles.

They loved their pack.

Because stiles is their pack.

Stiles is pack.

Pack is pack.

Human or not.

Regardless of what would come up they would always protect, love, and laugh with Stiles.

If stiles killed someone. Did not matter.

Pack was pack.

If stiles was gay. Did not matter.

Pack was pack.

If stiles wanted to leave the pack? Did not matter.

Pack was pack.

They wanted him to be happy. If one pack in the pack is happy then everyone was.

Pack was pack.

By the time of his thinking he was already arrived at his destination. The studio in the next town over. He came here almost every day after school now.

Stiles didn't tell anyone but he's a DJ. And not just the type to have on quinceaneras and types like that.

The type of DJ that makes music. And right now he has been working on one special song. He sang to the song and used a lot of work on it. He was going to finish it today.

He made his way into the white and grey building and over to the 3rd floor where his studio was. Because stiles had saved up money since he was little to buy his own studio. And here he was. In a building full of studios. And in this building he had his own room.

He walked into the room. He had a studio box in the corner of the room with a microphone in it. He also had guitars, ukuleles keyboards, drums, and some other stuff hidden in a another corner. Right on the other side of the glass of the studiobox was his dashboard.

His beloved dashboard.

The room was green, orange and back. Orange on the wall next to the ukuleles and guitars, green over with the microphone and the studiobox. and finally the rest was plain back. He had two confortable chairs in the corner one was orange and one was blue. He had a black chair at his dashboard so he can sit while he is working.

Like you may know he used a LOT of work on this room.

He ran his fingers over the dashboard and put down his backpack on the orange chair in the corner and sat down in the blue chair and checked his messages. There was one from Scott, one from Derek and finally one from his dad as always. He checked the one from Scott first.

hey dude! Pack meeting at dereks tonight at 7pm:p

He sent a quick reply that he would come and assumed that Derek would send the same thing but he answered anyway because he has already ignored Derek like that and he does not want to repeat the incident.

Sour wolf:D:
pack meeting at mines. 7pm. Be there.

Wow someone is a bit mad.

wow someone mad? Aww is my little sour wolf madddddd? I bet u are. Anyways I'll come. Byee sourwolf!:p

I go over to the message my dad sent and read it over.

Drive home safe kiddo after the studio. Love ya! -dad

I reply quick with an "i love you too" and then I put my phone in my pocket and move over to my dashboard and start working.

When I'm finished working the time is 6:00pm. I realize the pack meeting is soon to start so I pack up all my things and rush out. On my way out I meet Robin.

Robin is one of the friends I've got here. Next to a girl named Sarah, a boy named Jacob and Alex which uses they/them pronouns.

Robin is a DJ. She always wears flannels like me, he has a sense of humor. Likes to paint and to do music and all the stuff like that. She has black hair, she has dark skin that glows when she enters a room. She wears an red plain bandana and has big hair almost like an Afro.

"Hey Stiles!" She says when she sees me.

"Hey Robin! Great to see you but I need to go ok? I just need to I need to meet my friends and you know sourwolf doesn't like to wait does he?" I say in a rush.

"Oh no no no, you go. Of course I know how sourwolf can be haha! Oh and stiles?"


"Tell me next time you are here mabye you want to an collab or something?" She asks.

"Yeah yeah of course that sounds cool I'll call you later! Byee!" Yell and run out the building and before I get my way out i hear her saying "bye stiles" and then I walk outside and see that she is on her way to her own studio.

I walk over to my Jeep, put my backpack in the passenger seat and drive away from studio over to the pack meeting thinking of what I should name the song.

I finally decide on "Chime and Adam Tell".

Aaaand the song is not my song neither is the title so it goes to the writers of this song!

Okeyyyy so I hope u guys like this! I just got this idea when I heard this so so why not and I promise I will update soon mby tomorrow since I have homeschool tomorrow so I have time. Anyways have a great day!



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